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Psychic Sedra

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--- Quote from: stargazer on April 14, 2017, 05:03:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: Baypark1 on April 14, 2017, 04:48:57 PM ---I got a long email with chat. It took 4 days to get it and I had to email her about it.  I then got it about an hour later. It was SO generic it could have been for anyone. She said POI could be mine if I wanted him and then gave me a some crap about love being real blah blah blah that literally made no sense.  She said she saw someone else coming into my life that is better than the POI but that was it.  She also said I would get a promotion and manage people.  Well, I'm commissioned and don't have anyone under me.  There's no "promotion" when you're commission LOL   I emailed her and requested a refund.

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Wow email AND chat and that's the only info you got? Nothing else? Or was the rest just filler talk?

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I didn't even do th chat. I got 3 paragraphs.  She never addressed the 3rd party that I mentioned and said I needEd to  tell him how I felt. When I asked told her that was a little odd considering we haven't talked in 3 months and he was with someone, she said she felt he wanted to Hear it.  Weird. And it was only one sentence. 

I think because it took her so and I had to email her to ask about the reading,  she just through it together with no thought or psychic ability.  That was my feeling.  That's why in didn't even do the chat.


--- Quote from: moonlight412 on April 13, 2017, 05:16:42 PM ---LOL! This cracked me up!

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HAPPY Friday. I have absolutely no patience with readers in particular acting like they are doing me a favor when I’m paying them. That just gets my goat.

Thank you baypark and moonlight for posting about Sedra. Won't be trying her. That's just awful  :-\


--- Quote from: stargazer on April 14, 2017, 05:51:19 PM ---Thank you baypark and moonlight for posting about Sedra. Won't be trying her. That's just awful  :-\

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I did my money back and she didn't even respond with an I'm sorry.  Really strange


--- Quote from: Baypark1 on April 14, 2017, 04:48:57 PM ---I got a long email with chat. It took 4 days to get it and I had to email her about it.  I then got it about an hour later. It was SO generic it could have been for anyone. She said POI could be mine if I wanted him and then gave me a some crap about love being real blah blah blah that literally made no sense.  She said she saw someone else coming into my life that is better than the POI but that was it.  She also said I would get a promotion and manage people.  Well, I'm commissioned and don't have anyone under me.  There's no "promotion" when you're commission LOL   I emailed her and requested a refund.

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Seems like I've had better luck with her than others have, I guess she just connects with me. As far as the job goes, maybe she's reading farther into the future with a different job or something. She has given me sad and hopeless readings on POI's more than once


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