That's not too bad of a timeframe I suppose. Here is what I noticed about her given her testimonials: she does best with short-term timelines as opposed to long-term timelines. When I called towards the end of February she told me April 7th for a re-connection. However, I feel like if I called in November she would have said January for a re-connection. She is also very big on love and relationships so I think she does best if there has been a recent disconnection. Unfortunately, I have not spoken to the POI for almost 8 months due to circumstances on his end (don't worry I stopped getting readings since last month and even then it was with only one person).
So I asked her, 'Okay, well what will he say when he returns?" she said, "Oh, just to talk." Seriously!? no one intentionally puts you on the backburner for that long just to re-connect and have a nice little chat. I was also a little astounded that she "psychically" disagreed with what the POI said to me during our last phone call because she felt like it wasn't going to be me vs his family. She felt like he was going to attempt to make the connection stronger and that "psychically" we were destined together but he would have to clear things up with his family and it could take 2 years. I am crossing my fingers for April 7th but meh...