I love Phoenix Rising and she has been my reader for over six years or five. Every prediction for a guy came true and I started to not like her because it was always something negative .... But I was just choosing the wrong men. She predicted my current relationship last year.
My former POI who i was with for a year never committed to me and she was right from the start. She got mad when she picked up on his energies and said this guy won't commit. She was right because he already had a secret hidden life where he was married much to my surprise.
I must warn you to stay with her first prediction. Sometimes if you ask her the same question later on it will be the opposite of the first and not accurate at all.
This woman also predicted a fall out i had with an ex to the month and she was sooooo right. She's not for everyone but she's been right with me like 98 percent of the time.