shit so I contacted my POI instead of waiting for Gaylene's dates, does that change the outcome? I feel like such an idiot but there is something I saw on his social media and I just felt compelled to comment:((
I doubt it. Unless you do something really drastic, I've found that sometimes if they say, (let's use today for an example) "contact on the 30th", and you initiate because you're antsy and contact them and they reply, it's almost like what they pick up on is that you will receive contact because you initiated it. I'm a firm believer in "our actions creating the predictions" when we reach out. There was one time she told me, "You're going to be rejected in a 2." a few years ago, and things were going great with my previous POI and I. So I thought, "No way." So I read with someone else, and they were obviously unskilled or a fraud, and they said, "They dont know how you feel. Let them know". So I did, two days later. I went over the top, showed way too much interest, and pushed them away and I was rejected. Sometimes we cause the predictions to happen. So if they predicted contact, let's say, today, and you reached out today, and got contact, then sometimes that's the contact they saw. Now determining between that, or actually changing the path with contact, when you shouldn't, and it changing the outcome (like let's say you go all out and push them away for good), then obviously that changes the outcome. I think there's a fine line, but sometimes we create the predictions with our actions. Sometimes us reaching out, is what causes the contact prediction to occur.