I read with her, she said he would make plans with me “in 5”
That a relationship would happen 4-6... she thinks this is between April and June...
As for his feelings she says he goes very deep and has been feeling like he’s already with me in his mind but is slow to act on it because he’s doesn’t want to mess things up and that he overthinking too hard about it all. He’s said stuff like this to me before...and he does act like he’s with me always texting morning, nights... and he does overthink like crazy
but like do something about it.
I doubt it now because last night he was drunk texting me out of the blue that he loves me so much but he’s still not ready for a relationship and that he’s sorry he doesn’t want to let me go but he doesn’t want me hurting and waiting on him bc I deserve more ;-; he said the moment he’s ready he’ll come for me even if I’m with someone else he just can’t give anything to me now... and he was really getting down on himself last night.... kept saying he just wanted me to know he really loves me and that I’ve been there for him the whole time through his heartbreak.
I was hoping that “in 5” was in 5 weeks but that marker is next week so I doubt it... I don’t know about a relationship in 4-6 either with his not being ready. I just want him healed up and ready for love
Sounds like she got it pretty spot on to me! Given how he feels, I would stay optimistic about a relationship! Feelings always come out when drunk and this guy clearly loves you! Stay positive:) I think this is quite a lot better than you think it is!
Thank you Josh... I’m trying to stay positive 
You're welcome! There is one big thing here that was stated. When drunk, he mentioned his feelings for you. That doesn't come easily. If someone is drunk and saying those things, you KNOW it comes from a place of emotion. It sounds to me like he tries to suppress it, but it's on his mind a lot, especially if he reaches out drunk, telling you these things. It shows you're important to him. Our emotions tend to come out when we're drunk. Whatever his reasons for being unable to give it a go right now, pale in the fact that HE LOVES YOU. The fact that he does love you, means that that love has all the potential to break past the reasons. And maybe he isn't really ready right now, but in time, he very well could be! Worst case scenario, the "5" is May, but even still, that's not too far off in the distance, right? So at this time, I wouldn't pressure him. I'd let him have his time if he needs it, continue talking to him as you have been, and play it smooth. I'd say, if anything, the odds are very much in your favor! This all actually seems like optimistic news to me! <3