Author Topic: Abundant Visions/Gaylene  (Read 286721 times)

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #285 on: February 25, 2019, 02:08:51 AM »
Yes they do go hand in hand , I guess becuase ifs not happening I’m
Not holding out much hope. Honestly my life has been super busy recently I’ve been concentrating on that more than men to be honest - this is the first time I’ve posted here in a while.

we shall see what happens !


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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #286 on: February 25, 2019, 02:16:12 AM »
Yes they do go hand in hand , I guess becuase ifs not happening I’m
Not holding out much hope. Honestly my life has been super busy recently I’ve been concentrating on that more than men to be honest - this is the first time I’ve posted here in a while.

we shall see what happens !

Please keep us updated! It seems to me that you've got good reason to be optimistic:) And that's great! Focus on the things that should be holding your attention. It'll be easier on you, during this period to focus on those things and keep busy. You got this!:) Best wishes <3

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #287 on: February 25, 2019, 02:19:41 AM »

Thank you 😘

Yes they do go hand in hand , I guess becuase ifs not happening I’m
Not holding out much hope. Honestly my life has been super busy recently I’ve been concentrating on that more than men to be honest - this is the first time I’ve posted here in a while.

we shall see what happens !

Please keep us updated! It seems to me that you've got good reason to be optimistic:) And that's great! Focus on the things that should be holding your attention. It'll be easier on you, during this period to focus on those things and keep busy. You got this!:) Best wishes <3

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #288 on: March 03, 2019, 12:59:55 AM »
Finally read with Gaylene her prediction range from now till summer. Lets see how they pan out. She gave me a number 2. Could be anything


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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #289 on: March 03, 2019, 02:11:51 AM »
Finally read with Gaylene her prediction range from now till summer. Lets see how they pan out. She gave me a number 2. Could be anything

Hope it is positive for you!;)

Offline aquarian_81

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #290 on: March 03, 2019, 03:24:48 AM »
Finally read with Gaylene her prediction range from now till summer. Lets see how they pan out. She gave me a number 2. Could be anything

@kdspirited How long did you have to wait for a reading? I have tried scheduling a reading with Gaylene but haven't heard from her.

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #291 on: March 03, 2019, 08:32:32 PM »
Calling her is impossible chat is a lot easier. It took me almost 2 weeks but finally I gave up on the call and scheduled a chat and it worked.

Offline aquarian_81

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #292 on: March 04, 2019, 07:33:40 PM »
Calling her is impossible chat is a lot easier. It took me almost 2 weeks but finally I gave up on the call and scheduled a chat and it worked.

Ok good to know! Did you schedule chat through keen? Because l can’t seem to figure out how to schedule chat on her thirdeyelive website

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #293 on: March 05, 2019, 02:51:33 AM »
No I did it through her site. First you need to set up an account with click4advisor. Then you need to go to her site and at the bottom click on schedule call. A small pop up box will come up. On that box on the right there is a small yellow button "chat now" click on that and another small pop up window will pop up. Click on the first button I believe it says chat with advisor. This will then open up a third box where it will say Advisor is not available schedule chat. Enter your waiting time your user id from click4 and password. and hit the done button this puts you in her queue. There will be a pop up that will tell you what number you are in her queue. Once that happens wait for the call to come. Once you receive the call from click4 advisor that she is available to chat with you go to "" on the upper right hand corner there is a button called "loginchat" click that log in with your click4advisor login and then a chat pop up window pops up that you are ready to chat. have Abundant visions callinID handy put that into the search button click search and she will pop up then click on begin chat. Yeah! that is really what you have to go through to talk to her :-) hope this helps

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #294 on: March 05, 2019, 05:22:48 AM »
I chatted with her tonight. She was in good form and seemed to be doing better. Praying it lasts for her, I'm concerned for her health.

Offline aquarian_81

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #295 on: March 05, 2019, 05:32:51 AM »
No I did it through her site. First you need to set up an account with click4advisor. Then you need to go to her site and at the bottom click on schedule call. A small pop up box will come up. On that box on the right there is a small yellow button "chat now" click on that and another small pop up window will pop up. Click on the first button I believe it says chat with advisor. This will then open up a third box where it will say Advisor is not available schedule chat. Enter your waiting time your user id from click4 and password. and hit the done button this puts you in her queue. There will be a pop up that will tell you what number you are in her queue. Once that happens wait for the call to come. Once you receive the call from click4 advisor that she is available to chat with you go to "" on the upper right hand corner there is a button called "loginchat" click that log in with your click4advisor login and then a chat pop up window pops up that you are ready to chat. have Abundant visions callinID handy put that into the search button click search and she will pop up then click on begin chat. Yeah! that is really what you have to go through to talk to her :-) hope this helps

Kdspirited, you are awesome! Thank you for the detailed instructions! Very helpful 😁

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #296 on: March 05, 2019, 08:00:49 AM »
Glad to help Aquarian Hope the predictions are good for you


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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #297 on: March 09, 2019, 12:14:47 AM »
She's been on chat, but because of her asthma, she wasn't taking calls. She's almost impossible to get a hold of. She's a lovely person, but unfortunately I can't validate anything she said. And she gave me a specific date, which of course passed. Not that I would ever expect anything from an exact date...

Her interpretation of the number she gets can often be a little off. Like if she gets a 2 she may think it's 2 weeks or 2 days when it's actually February. I'd usually take something like that as a guess if it were to happen but she consistently gets these numbers correct for me even if the interpretation is off so after so many times with getting numbers correct even if the interpretation is off, it can't be just a guess, so she definitely is not spouting BS. Maybe interperating the numbers and what they refer to as far as timing is concerned is harder. What I gave was a real example. Then I read with her 3 times in one month and each time she got a 4 for contact and said it would be the 4th of the following month, and after months of not talking, it was the 4th of the following month. So I think she sometimes has trouble interpreting what the number means but she's usually always right at least for me and she usually does interpret them correctly for me. But not every psychic will connect with everyone and not every psychic will get it right either. No psychic is perfect:)

^This!!! Gaylene usually doesn't know what her numbers mean but they are nearly always correct when the event happens. (She's my best for timing.) I always ask her to ask which month.

Once, for about eight or nine months she kept getting 7-10 for a specific event. Kept telling me it meant days or the 7th through the 10th of the current month of the reading. Months and months of this thing not happening. I asked her to ask what month this 7-10 would occur in: she would get scrambled cards and tell me that meant the current month.

Guess when it happened? July 10, on the nose. After years of reading with her, I use my own intuition about her numbers more than what she says.

I just want to bump this up to the top to help those who may be struggling, or believe her to only be able to read short term. And a reminder that she got something spot on for me, a whole year after (12 months) and leading up to it, it did not feel like it would happen and reality looked to be going in the opposite direction. You can be surprised!.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #298 on: March 13, 2019, 01:46:57 AM »
Well I think she was wrong about the reconnection ...

He’s ignoring my message when I reached out about something of mine .

Soooo. Yeah


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Re: Abundant Visions/Gaylene
« Reply #299 on: March 13, 2019, 02:25:15 AM »
Well I think she was wrong about the reconnection ...

He’s ignoring my message when I reached out about something of mine .

Soooo. Yeah

Maybe. But maybe it just hadn't happened yet? One of my friend's ex had them blocked (wasn't even a relationship previously, just a crush and she made it known)... now they've been together for two years! So you never know! And didn't Yona say he'll be back too? She's been quite good! Have you read with Mattie? I would hold onto hope:)

Editing i also want to bring up that a user here Sparkle wasnt convinced that things would happen. Reality showed much differetly than what she had been told by psychics. It wasn't going to happen..

but it happened, despite the outside reality looking the complete opposite. You never know! Especially with some big readers giving you the same news, I'd stay optimistic:)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 02:37:55 AM by josh34 »