So I wrote on another thread I finally got a callback from Gaylene after numerous attempts. Funnily enough it was great timing as my POI said last night that he didn’t think me and him would work etc . I spoke to her anyway as I have money on the account and I only wanted to talk to her on that platform.
She said she saw reconciliation in 1 - 1 day. 1 week or the 1st.
Surely this could also be 1 month or 1 year too?
Long-time Gaylene client here, this can also mean the 10th, 11th, 31st or less likely, one of the teen dates. Very unlikely to mean one year. I have had her predict that far in advance but when that happens she gets the month without knowing which year it is.
If I were you, I'd be looking for the reconciliation within the next month around the "1" dates. She's really good with timing.
I can vouch for this as this has happened as well to me. She would mention a number like 2 and it would be the 12 or 22nd. You never really know what the numbers mean until it happens. More often than not it’s a date and not like weeks or months unless it’s something further out.
That's a bit of a stretch, no? I mean a 1 could mean 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ,21, 31, 1 day, 1 month, january, 1 hour, 1 am, 1 pm....I mean, pretty much ANYTHING?
It's not a stretch when those predictions come through almost consistently.
She told me a specific day for the longest time and ended up happening on that day. Also it's one things you're in for say 1 or 2 over and over again but this another searing for Kim a string of complicated numbers and having those consistently happen She's definitely proven herself gifted. 
I would think with 1 being anything, you can't help but eventually being right. Lol
Well no. Haha. 1 day, week, month. Year. Still leaves room. A lot of the time it's not "within", but rather just "the number". In which case it leaves it at either a good psychic prediction or a lucky guess. Just wait until you get complicated numbers, the same number over and over (10 every time, then it happens in october). The thing is, it may seem like that at first, but shes usually super consistent and continuously gets it correct, which is proof in and of itself. And I'm not talking like, "oh! She got timing right! She said 2 and its 3:42pm!". No haha!
That's my point. Seeing a 2 and it happens on the 12th wouldn't be a hit for me...unless it was also 2 weeks, 2 months ,or 2 years.
I mean often times it is. She's told me exact dates something would happen, in multiple readings, the same date, and it happened exactly on that date after months of not speaking with the person. In my experience, usually when she says "5", it happens on a "5". Meaning, the 5th, not the 15th, 25th, etc. It can happen the other way around, sure, but in my experience it's mostly been the 'date', or in 'this many days'. Thing is, you see it that way now, but if she connects well with you, and she consistently gets it right, (which she had for me), then that's kind of a big deal. I think you have to live 'through' it to actually see that it can't be just a coincidence. In concept, sure, it feels like it can mean absolutely anything, but when you see her predictions happen, on the exact "number" she gives, it'll become clearer and easier to believe:) But I can guarantee she is 100% real and gifted if that helps in any sort of way. I'm talking in incredibly un-guessable and specific situations happening down to the day she's given. The only challenge here is (1) if she can actually connect well with you [everyone is different and don't connect to the same psychics], and obviously, (2), if she happens to be right. Even psychics who connect perfectly can be wrong. She's been wrong for me before, but almost every prediction (bar a very very few smaller ones, that didn't even effect the outcome; just small details, incredibly light predictions that didn't really matter ['small' as in - general, and just making these ones up on the spot, but an example nonetheless - "They're not happy, their hair is red". Whereas what actually 'happened' was, "They're not happy, their hair is blonde". Like tiny minuscule details that didn't effect anything. "bigger" details like emotions, or things that actually 'matter' in the situation, have always been spot on.) were right.
Good luck!