Author Topic: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?  (Read 26550 times)


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Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« on: March 04, 2017, 03:05:19 AM »
In all honestly despite the psychics saying he or she will? This is where we use our own intuition. I don't think my poi will re-connect of if he does it could be months or years-who knows. 50/50. I don't want to sound pessimistic but the reason being is that very few psychics read our situation correctly-maybe 1 or 2%. But that's because I gave them more info. They should've figured it out without input from me. The reasons for him re-connecting were so bogus that I know at the top of my head it won't happen. I told one that we hadn't spoken in 7 months and she said, "April 7th he will re-connect. Just to talk." Uh, no. No man doesn't ignore you for that long and then call "just to talk."  Lol! It's usually because the man wants something-sex, companionship, rebound, etc. Another said: "He will contact you in April/May/June. He's going to ask you to be his mistress." Really?!  Lady P and Jeremiah from read him the best but when it came to predictions/outcomes I stopped taking them seriously. But they were the only ones to nail him.  Those two are good for clarity and insights-but not psychic predictions. O Valley was good. The most realistic was Keisha. I hope her numbers transpire.

She was the only one to say, "the person he is with is part of the problem but a lot of it is choice as well and I think this has a lot to do with the distance. He is making a choice." Ding, ding, ding! This is exactly the reason why as well IMO.

Judi's Inner Light-pretty realistic on his end. He never promised anything in that reading. Suecreate is good for channeling energy and personality insights but I think Judi can really channel words.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:08:58 AM by Rediska »

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2017, 03:22:14 AM »
There were many times I believed he wouldn't come  back. After so many said he would and gave a time frame and it didn't happen,  yes I started to doubt.  This led to me finally where I am now, completely let go. I'm not calling anymore,  I'm not thinking about him as much and just moving on. But heres the funny thing.  Now that I've completely let go, I really feel he will be back...and soon. But if he doesn't,  I know someone better will be coming. I don't care if he comes back or not at this point. If he does, I'm not sure I'll take him.  He's the ass for treating me poorly, not even being a friend,  seeing someone else and not appreciating the amazingness that I am.  So why would I accept him back?  I think the key is to truly let it go. Stop calling and staying attached. We all deserve better

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2017, 04:11:52 AM »
Great post ladies ..& gents are welcome too..My POI & I met at work didn't date till march -April 2016.&he got cold feet &lets  just say dumped me..Now we work together in the biggest hospital here  but still ran into each other..The hurt when I saw him I would run and cry in the bathroom meanwhile he appears to be going with his life happy flirting with other heart was broken so badly I had to get another job that I start in Monday so I could move on by not seeing him..So suddenly out of the blue he text me last week.This man is very stubborn,fixed in his ways..Do I want him back?HELL EFFIN no no..why?
What man makes someone wait for a whole year??what happens if we have a true fight and argument he won't talk to me for two years?will he keep dumping me ..It also helps some that I run into him awhile back and he has added ALOT of weight and just downright looks took me a while but am getting past him I never ever thought I would..
I had to delete him off fb any social media & even had to get a job which worked out well Cz I got a major pay raise


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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2017, 05:01:52 AM »
Good for you for moving on
« Last Edit: April 08, 2017, 07:22:40 AM by stargazer »

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2017, 05:16:18 AM »
Good for you for moving on
Thanks I honestly never thought I ever would looking back at those few months..the cancer in me was soo hurt but when we are done we are DONE looking back..even if he took his heart outback of his chest for me I would take it and throw it in the trash lol ;D


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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2017, 05:18:54 AM »
Thanks I honestly never thought I ever would looking back at those few months..the cancer in me was soo hurt but when we are done we are DONE looking back..even if he took his heart outback of his chest for me I would take it and throw it in the trash lol ;D
makes me happy to read that :) I've been there, when I'm done I'm beyond done. The person is dead to me.

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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2017, 06:36:01 AM »
Good for you for moving on

Best story ever. It actually lifted me because I'm where you were and I too work with him.

I'm SO happy for you.

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2017, 07:03:37 AM »
Good for you for moving on

Best story ever. It actually lifted me because I'm where you were and I too work with him.

I'm SO happy for you.

Thanks I am glad to inspire can do it too.if you want to..So the good news is (based of some psychic predictions)with the new job I will have many admirers and get asked out on many dates.Yet to be seen and even though it doesn't happen I am content with more money and being happy and secure..The best is yet to come.

Offline Joy2U

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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2017, 07:14:56 AM »
makes me happy to read that :) I've been there, when I'm done I'm beyond done. The person is dead to me.

Stargazer- how do you forget about someone and make them dead?  That is what I need to do. I rather spend my money learning how to do that than hanging on to predictions that don't happen.
I guess we have to get rid of the emotion? Is that right? 


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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2017, 07:46:34 AM »
Stargazer- how do you forget about someone and make them dead?  That is what I need to do. I rather spend my money learning how to do that than hanging on to predictions that don't happen.
I guess we have to get rid of the emotion? Is that right?

PM'd you. I wish it were as simple as getting rid of the emotion. That's the hardest part
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 07:57:12 AM by stargazer »


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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2017, 03:34:21 PM »
There were many times I believed he wouldn't come  back. After so many said he would and gave a time frame and it didn't happen,  yes I started to doubt.  This led to me finally where I am now, completely let go. I'm not calling anymore,  I'm not thinking about him as much and just moving on. But heres the funny thing.  Now that I've completely let go, I really feel he will be back...and soon. But if he doesn't,  I know someone better will be coming. I don't care if he comes back or not at this point. If he does, I'm not sure I'll take him.  He's the ass for treating me poorly, not even being a friend,  seeing someone else and not appreciating the amazingness that I am.  So why would I accept him back?  I think the key is to truly let it go. Stop calling and staying attached. We all deserve better

Although my timeframes have not come yet..most of them are predicted to be in April..but I can relate to what you say WORD BY WORD.. I think in the stages of grief/loss, I have reached a point where I don't care. I remember how paranoid I used to be- always wondering if he is dating someone, kinda stalking his social media, and all other good stuff ..but now I don't give a rat's ass!
Do I still have feelings for him? Yes, I do. I do get a little sad when I think about all the good times, but now I just wish him well and have let him go.. because somewhere inside I have this feeling that something amazing is on it's way for me and I deserve much better..and if Universe/God/Destiny or whatever thinks that he is not good for me then that must be for good.. and to be able to think this and be at this place is a HUGE success for me from last year, when I would just run to restrooms to cry if I saw him or just crawl into bed and think about him for when I think about him, there is almost no pain and it feels so good!
I am so glad that I have started loving myself enough to realize that he treated me like crap and I don't give a damn for his attitude opposed to before when I would go running on his one text or call..

Yay to all of us who got to a point of IDGAF and/or are in the process of getting there!

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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2017, 03:47:33 PM »
Basically - I am in a bit of a different situation here, lol - but I'm loving this support system on this thread!

My ex and I have been broken up for about 4 months now, but when we broke up, it was for reasons of timing and needing to be on our own for a little. It was never about the love we shared for one another. This is kind of why I started getting more readings - b/c I just cannot see how the story can be over between us when nothing toxic or bad happened. My POI just started reaching out again after the time apart, and I DO feel confident she will return. However, I only started seeing results once I detached from the outcome. I trusted my confidence and my intuition and I focused more on myself. I became very in touch with the spiritual side of things as corny as that sounds - but I began to have a relationship with the Universe and watching it deliver small things to me day in and day out, which made me confident that things will be okay. All break ups are different, of course. In my situation, it's pretty typical of a long term couple to take time apart while still being in love, however - there are no guarantees in life. My predictions from trusted advisors say she will return and commit, but its very important still to take things 1 day at a time because attaching to much to an outcome and obsessing over it shows the universe you are not ready to receive!

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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2017, 06:27:00 PM »
There were times when I honestly thought he wouldn't, and so far... our story keeps continuing. Just last week we probably had the biggest heart to heart we've had in ...a year? a year and a half? and he actually said he's ready to take things forward among a bunch of other stuff I'm still not really entirely sure I believe really happened, even though I partook in the conversation lol. It hasn't happened yet, it's still "talk" and he has "mancaved" since then, so who knows (eye roll).

But the kicker? The reason this heart to heart happened was because I got to a point where I gave no more fks.  I just wanted a conclusion, even if it was that we were to be friends and nothing more. I was seriously okay with that but wanted my heart to be free so I could really give someone else a proper chance. I even told him that, that unless I know it's over between us for sure I can't properly give someone else a chance. So, all in all, I had "let go" and was ready for any outcome. And that's when it all started to come rushing in.

Now, I was the one who initiated this conversation. Mainly because something my therapist stuck with me - if you are meant to be together, nothing you say/do or don't say/don't do will change that.

not that I hadn't heard it before, but it was the first time I actually felt ready to face any outcome and push that conversation. And I approached it not by trying to get something out of him (e.g. commitment) but to get something for me (e.g. emotional freedom from our..thing-no matter what that meant)

Did any psychics predict this conversation? Not like this exactly. A few did actually say we'd talk about all the past things and go over all the things I ever had questions about, and that's exactly what happened, but most thought it would be a slow build up not a pop all at once type deal. I mostly talk to empaths, and they all nailed (and had been nailing) his feelings and intentions even though on the surface it looked completely opposite.

I tell you this to give you all hope, that even if the situation seems the opposite of what you're hearing it may not be. And yes, sometimes people do act on their emotions. But your job is really to be as happy as you can with your life the way it is now, and really to get your self confidence and worth to a place where you are ready to sacrifice the person who means the most to you if they are not capable of giving what you want, need and deserve.

This doesn't mean we got married or anything like that (yet!) ... but it looks like it us being in a legitimate relationship is actual a real possibility in the future. I haven't been able to say that in a very long time. And it may not happen, but if it doesn't I know I will be more than okay.

But here is the key I think that nobody has actually touched on in all of our conversations on this board. Perhaps the true key to manifesting the predictions we hear...perhaps the missing ingredient is really working on ourselves. Some kind of internal change or changes that have to occur before said prediction occurs. But like when you get a "hint" in a video game, it's not a complete walkthrough when we get a prediction just a peep of what's available (if X Y and Z also happen). The guy (or girl!) is always going to do what he or she is going to do. Live, grow, learn, change in whatever way is necessary to bring about them wanting to reconcile. But if we focus on reconciling, and we aren't living how we otherwise would - maybe THAT is what pushes things out, or prevents them from happening.

Maybe in that way - us focusing/gripping on to predictions actually causes us to slow down or avoid our own self growth, healing, etc, or whatever else that is entirely necessary before that reconciliation can occur - which is WHY it often happens when people give the "IDGAF" mode.

So perhaps getting readings does change the future, but only if you hold on to it and refuse to do your own natural inner work and moving on/healing that you would have otherwise done if you didn't get a reading.


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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2017, 02:42:31 AM »
There were times when I honestly thought he wouldn't, and so far... our story keeps continuing. Just last week we probably had the biggest heart to heart we've had in ...a year? a year and a half? and he actually said he's ready to take things forward among a bunch of other stuff I'm still not really entirely sure I believe really happened, even though I partook in the conversation lol. It hasn't happened yet, it's still "talk" and he has "mancaved" since then, so who knows (eye roll).

Just wanted to say thank you for your post!

Think it finally gave me the push I needed to contact my POI

I was just so sick of waiting on all these contact predictions when I strongly felt as if I needed some answers to where we were and what was going on seeing as he disappeared for an entire month after telling me that he'd "speak very soon" with me.

And I'm so glad that I did. I called him up after a date I went on tonight (lol) and we chatted for over 2 hours.

While nothings changed - I did get some more answers and after waiting so long to hear it he finally said "I love you" to me.

What was his reason for disappearing?

Offline peppie

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Re: Do any of you think your POI may not come back?
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2017, 02:51:06 AM »
if it's more than two weeks, assume he's not coming back. only a handful of readers said nope not happening about a few relationships i asked about. the rest gave me a fairy tale.

if it's the right guy, it should be easy and we shouldn't be left guessing is my assertion. i still don't mind being deceived for a few days if i'm in a bad moment in life, though. but when i snap out of it, i hate being lied to and hate that readers give false hope.

he lost his job
he just started a job
a family member, including a dog died
he has a work or school deadline
he just got a divorce

other than that, no guy with his sh*t together is going to give up something very good and leave it hanging for weeks on end.

if he comes back, great, but if he leaves... time to move on.

-learned the hard way (and yes, every guy was "the one" according to some readers... not)
« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 02:54:14 AM by peppie »

