There were times when I honestly thought he wouldn't, and so far... our story keeps continuing. Just last week we probably had the biggest heart to heart we've had in ...a year? a year and a half? and he actually said he's ready to take things forward among a bunch of other stuff I'm still not really entirely sure I believe really happened, even though I partook in the conversation lol. It hasn't happened yet, it's still "talk" and he has "mancaved" since then, so who knows (eye roll).
But the kicker? The reason this heart to heart happened was because I got to a point where I gave no more fks. I just wanted a conclusion, even if it was that we were to be friends and nothing more. I was seriously okay with that but wanted my heart to be free so I could really give someone else a proper chance. I even told him that, that unless I know it's over between us for sure I can't properly give someone else a chance. So, all in all, I had "let go" and was ready for any outcome. And that's when it all started to come rushing in.
Now, I was the one who initiated this conversation. Mainly because something my therapist stuck with me - if you are meant to be together, nothing you say/do or don't say/don't do will change that.
not that I hadn't heard it before, but it was the first time I actually felt ready to face any outcome and push that conversation. And I approached it not by trying to get something out of him (e.g. commitment) but to get something for me (e.g. emotional freedom from our..thing-no matter what that meant)
Did any psychics predict this conversation? Not like this exactly. A few did actually say we'd talk about all the past things and go over all the things I ever had questions about, and that's exactly what happened, but most thought it would be a slow build up not a pop all at once type deal. I mostly talk to empaths, and they all nailed (and had been nailing) his feelings and intentions even though on the surface it looked completely opposite.
I tell you this to give you all hope, that even if the situation seems the opposite of what you're hearing it may not be. And yes, sometimes people do act on their emotions. But your job is really to be as happy as you can with your life the way it is now, and really to get your self confidence and worth to a place where you are ready to sacrifice the person who means the most to you if they are not capable of giving what you want, need and deserve.
This doesn't mean we got married or anything like that (yet!) ... but it looks like it us being in a legitimate relationship is actual a real possibility in the future. I haven't been able to say that in a very long time. And it may not happen, but if it doesn't I know I will be more than okay.
But here is the key I think that nobody has actually touched on in all of our conversations on this board. Perhaps the true key to manifesting the predictions we hear...perhaps the missing ingredient is really working on ourselves. Some kind of internal change or changes that have to occur before said prediction occurs. But like when you get a "hint" in a video game, it's not a complete walkthrough when we get a prediction just a peep of what's available (if X Y and Z also happen). The guy (or girl!) is always going to do what he or she is going to do. Live, grow, learn, change in whatever way is necessary to bring about them wanting to reconcile. But if we focus on reconciling, and we aren't living how we otherwise would - maybe THAT is what pushes things out, or prevents them from happening.
Maybe in that way - us focusing/gripping on to predictions actually causes us to slow down or avoid our own self growth, healing, etc, or whatever else that is entirely necessary before that reconciliation can occur - which is WHY it often happens when people give the "IDGAF" mode.
So perhaps getting readings does change the future, but only if you hold on to it and refuse to do your own natural inner work and moving on/healing that you would have otherwise done if you didn't get a reading.