Im very much in the same boat as ScorpioRising; I want to get my finances in order. I do still look back to my notes from my readings, and I did end up falling off the wagon again not too long ago and got another reading but I'm nowhere near the binge reading like I used to do (I think 2 readings in the past 5 months is pretty good! lol).
Anyway... I do have my list narrowed down for sure.
-Mystical Moon Shadow
-Lotus of Light
-DZigns (I know, she doesnt seem to be everyone's favorite around here. For me she's been really good BUT you can NOT read with her too often.)
-and lastly, a local reader from my area
if I had to choose some runner-ups I'd definitely say Keiry and Cookie.
Keiry is another one you can't read with too often though
Good point about DZigns - I remember the first time I read with her she was literally like a laserbeam into the person in question - like definitely picked up a LOT of details. But I continued reading with her and nothing came to pass whatsoever - however she was very good at picking up on present details. But I found that she kind of rattles on and stops making sense and jumps around a lot and isn't very focused so I kind of wrote her off. I could see her potential though - she just didnt work for me.
Keiry was okay for me, but was very vague and gave minimal detail. She's also quite cynical which I did not like.. DEF understand why she would be a runner up lol.
Lotus Of Light is the best on Keen, IMO. Predictions of hers have consistently come to pass for me and still are til this day. I would say she works for 9 out of 10 people, which is definitely rare. She has a major gift. Basically if she sees it, its probably happening even if her timing is a bit off.
- Also, I was looking through old notes/transcripts, and I read with a reader named
Aerie Rivers in January. All of her timing predictions for me have come to pass. She also picked up on a weird minuscule detail about my POI that I wrote off as being false in the past, but came to be true recently. I read with her again today and her predictions for timing are the same as Lotus.