Author Topic: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?  (Read 9605 times)

Offline peppie

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would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« on: February 26, 2017, 11:22:12 PM »
i called queen of wands two months ago and she gave me a prediction for march. then i called back a month ago with another completely different prediction. she's been so accurate in the past. if someone does this, do you cross him/her off? or do you think well it was a long-term prediction and things change?

the second call was full of very negative predictions, which pissed me off because the first was not.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2017, 12:06:30 AM »
I typically cut them off especially when they can't give a definitive answer to the prediction's delay and why they keep pushing the months further and further out. Readers are such frustrating beings.


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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2017, 03:39:50 AM »
A psychic might offer a prediction and it might be accurate in that moment. But the outcome is always a moving target because all it takes is a text message, a brief conversation, seeing a photo on Instagram, etc, etc and the whole situation can unexpectedly change.

Also, there have been times when I was so consumed by a situation (usually a relationship thing) and so many predictions were made. But then I'd have a moment of clarity, shift my energy, and stop caring as much. Weeks later, with this new perspective, I'd go back and ask a reader where the situation stands now and, of course, the predictions changed.

This is why I don't ask for predictions and brush them off when they are given without me asking. If I were to base anything on predictions, I'd have to call every day, or even multiple times a day, just to check in with how things are, what might have changed, and what new prediction comes from current circumstances.

It would be like constantly checking the weather report to gauge what is going to happen. Sure, certain weather patterns can lead to an obvious prediction of what's in store, but even just the slightest change can mean the different between a tropical storm and hurricane.

These days, I prefer to go to readers for knowledge and create my own outcome.

This was VERY well said and everyone that's new to readings should read this. I'm on my phone or else I would bold it. Yes, when I call it's usually for contact or "here and now." When they give me outcomes or predictions I really take it for a grain of salt. Like you, I like to create my own outcome. Regarding energy-this is how most readers predict the future-off the current energy and energy can shift easily. It's also probably the reasons why most outcomes/predictions don't come true.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2017, 04:14:40 AM »
A psychic might offer a prediction and it might be accurate in that moment. But the outcome is always a moving target because all it takes is a text message, a brief conversation, seeing a photo on Instagram, etc, etc and the whole situation can unexpectedly change.

Also, there have been times when I was so consumed by a situation (usually a relationship thing) and so many predictions were made. But then I'd have a moment of clarity, shift my energy, and stop caring as much. Weeks later, with this new perspective, I'd go back and ask a reader where the situation stands now and, of course, the predictions changed.

This is why I don't ask for predictions and brush them off when they are given without me asking. If I were to base anything on predictions, I'd have to call every day, or even multiple times a day, just to check in with how things are, what might have changed, and what new prediction comes from current circumstances.

It would be like constantly checking the weather report to gauge what is going to happen. Sure, certain weather patterns can lead to an obvious prediction of what's in store, but even just the slightest change can mean the different between a tropical storm and hurricane.

These days, I prefer to go to readers for knowledge and create my own outcome.

You just put into words what I've been trying to figure out! So, yeah, readings are based on the current energy. So, when a reader says your POI and 3rd party are fighting and will be ended in 3, 3 days, weeks or months.  You can accept that and all is well.   THEN you see them, hear something about them, see a picture of them etc and WHAT! Your energy goes wacko, angry, frustrated, hurt, jealous etc because the reader said they are fighting and ending! They don't look like they're ending! So, the universe is getting this energy from you where you are attached to the outcome so guess what? Delays happen.  More lessons, more patience, more learning to trust and let go. 

I say all this because I've been working very hard daily on me, letting go,  no readings, accept the moment and enjoy.  Shocker but I've been feeling great.  Not really caring what happens because I know I'm going to be happy regardless.  Until....I see them.  Omg downward spiral into the painful abyss that leads to calling, which I did, which made me more attached, worried,  obsessing,  fearful etc. All because I was told they were unhappy and ending in 3 days, weeks,months. I was attached to the outcome.  Its taken me 2 days to get back to where I was.

Bottom line, let go and stop getting readings asking the same thing.   We are definitely prolonging the prediction happening or us moving on and being happy. 

Offline Baypark1

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2017, 04:37:58 AM »
I find that predictions CAN change based on the current energy/what is going on - this has happened to me but everything was def. in line with what was going on currently. Free will plays a huge part of this, too...depending on what your situation is.

Also - random question - but does anyone feel that "majority rules" when talking to a lot of advisors? in my current situation i am in, i have talked to about 10+ advisors who are all in alignment time wise/situation wise..where about 3 have told me a totally different outcome...but this is the one i do not want to happen. can anyone offer me any experiences/advice about this?

In my experience,  when one or two advisors give me a negative outcome, they are right. I can't explain how 20+ readers have a positive outcome be wrong. Here's something to think about though.  When I heard the negative readings, I quickly dismissed them thinking they were wrong.  All of the positive readings I hung on to and they didn't happen.  The negatives that I completely dismissed,  happened.  So, maybe there is something to this attaching and detaching from the outcome??

Offline verb18

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2017, 04:44:54 AM »
I find that predictions CAN change based on the current energy/what is going on - this has happened to me but everything was def. in line with what was going on currently. Free will plays a huge part of this, too...depending on what your situation is.

Also - random question - but does anyone feel that "majority rules" when talking to a lot of advisors? in my current situation i am in, i have talked to about 10+ advisors who are all in alignment time wise/situation wise..where about 3 have told me a totally different outcome...but this is the one i do not want to happen. can anyone offer me any experiences/advice about this?

In my experience,  when one or two advisors give me a negative outcome, they are right. I can't explain how 20+ readers have a positive outcome be wrong. Here's something to think about though.  When I heard the negative readings, I quickly dismissed them thinking they were wrong.  All of the positive readings I hung on to and they didn't happen.  The negatives that I completely dismissed,  happened.  So, maybe there is something to this attaching and detaching from the outcome??

Yes I understand what you mean, for sure - I guess it's also on a situation by situation basis as well, as well as who's doing the reading? For me, very accurate readers across the board like Zadalia and Lotus of Light have given me the same prediction as the other 10+ advisors, where less well known/reputable ones may have gotten the read on the person correct, but the outcome was totally different..I also forgot to mention, those who gave me this negative outcome also gave it to me SO quickly that I had no idea how they even tuned in here lol.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2017, 04:49:14 AM »
I find that predictions CAN change based on the current energy/what is going on - this has happened to me but everything was def. in line with what was going on currently. Free will plays a huge part of this, too...depending on what your situation is.

Also - random question - but does anyone feel that "majority rules" when talking to a lot of advisors? in my current situation i am in, i have talked to about 10+ advisors who are all in alignment time wise/situation wise..where about 3 have told me a totally different outcome...but this is the one i do not want to happen. can anyone offer me any experiences/advice about this?

In my experience,  when one or two advisors give me a negative outcome, they are right. I can't explain how 20+ readers have a positive outcome be wrong. Here's something to think about though.  When I heard the negative readings, I quickly dismissed them thinking they were wrong.  All of the positive readings I hung on to and they didn't happen.  The negatives that I completely dismissed,  happened.  So, maybe there is something to this attaching and detaching from the outcome??

Yes I understand what you mean, for sure - I guess it's also on a situation by situation basis as well, as well as who's doing the reading? For me, very accurate readers across the board like Zadalia and Lotus of Light have given me the same prediction as the other 10+ advisors, where less well known/reputable ones may have gotten the read on the person correct, but the outcome was totally different..I also forgot to mention, those who gave me this negative outcome also gave it to me SO quickly that I had no idea how they even tuned in here lol.

Just to be safe,  let both outcomes go :)

Offline verb18

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2017, 04:52:53 AM »
I find that predictions CAN change based on the current energy/what is going on - this has happened to me but everything was def. in line with what was going on currently. Free will plays a huge part of this, too...depending on what your situation is.

Also - random question - but does anyone feel that "majority rules" when talking to a lot of advisors? in my current situation i am in, i have talked to about 10+ advisors who are all in alignment time wise/situation wise..where about 3 have told me a totally different outcome...but this is the one i do not want to happen. can anyone offer me any experiences/advice about this?

In my experience,  when one or two advisors give me a negative outcome, they are right. I can't explain how 20+ readers have a positive outcome be wrong. Here's something to think about though.  When I heard the negative readings, I quickly dismissed them thinking they were wrong.  All of the positive readings I hung on to and they didn't happen.  The negatives that I completely dismissed,  happened.  So, maybe there is something to this attaching and detaching from the outcome??

Yes I understand what you mean, for sure - I guess it's also on a situation by situation basis as well, as well as who's doing the reading? For me, very accurate readers across the board like Zadalia and Lotus of Light have given me the same prediction as the other 10+ advisors, where less well known/reputable ones may have gotten the read on the person correct, but the outcome was totally different..I also forgot to mention, those who gave me this negative outcome also gave it to me SO quickly that I had no idea how they even tuned in here lol.

Just to be safe,  let both outcomes go :)

LOL I've been working very hard on that - for example my b-day just passed and i had no expectation of my POI texting me for it (which some psychics said would happen! but i didnt believe them, and just expected nothing) .. and she wound up doing so..literally as the clock struck midnight! it was shocking but felt good because i detached from what was going to happen, but it did line up with what many advisors had said!

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2017, 05:46:45 AM »
many readers read energies on the now level to maybe a month out-6out hence change in predictions that doesn't mean they aren't accurate.Now a stellar reader reads outcomes far out I mean they can see a year-3 years out thus are able to tell you accurately what they see..such readers spoil the fun lol
FYI-my best reader who I took a point from because he predicted one thing in April 2016.& I asked him about the same predictions last month and it had changed doesn't mean he isn't otherwise accurate .He gave me a negative prediction his time around and I believe him

Offline Jjj

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2017, 06:20:21 AM »

I saw this article. Kinda goes with this convo ( i never read with this reader)

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2017, 06:42:21 AM »
Great post..I am sure am the only one here who doesn't believe in free will..certain things happen to shape our beliefs and thoughts to our life destinies but free will is given by readers to justify their inaccuracies.LOL


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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2017, 07:40:06 AM »
And then you have the psychics that are just plain wrong and nothing can justify them.


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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2017, 08:26:04 AM »
In my experience,  when one or two advisors give me a negative outcome, they are right. I can't explain how 20+ readers have a positive outcome be wrong. Here's something to think about though.  When I heard the negative readings, I quickly dismissed them thinking they were wrong.  All of the positive readings I hung on to and they didn't happen.  The negatives that I completely dismissed,  happened.  So, maybe there is something to this attaching and detaching from the outcome??
This has happened to me! I definitely believe clinging onto an outcome and obsessing over it changes the energy and it gets delayed or doesn't happen at all.  Crazy but there really is something about it.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 02:25:37 AM by stargazer »

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2017, 10:31:02 AM »
I have read with Spiritualist reader aka cookie.&
Great post..I am sure am the only one here who doesn't believe in free will..certain things happen to shape our beliefs and thoughts to our life destinies but free will is given by readers to justify their inaccuracies.LOL

I disagree.

There have been a few times when a psychic made a prediction and explained to me it was important for me not to take any action--to just let things unfold--and that, while I had free will, it was best to do nothing.

Did I listen? Nope. In a moment of frustration or impatience, I wrote an e-mail I shouldn't have or called a bunch of times or made accusations, etc, etc. And did me exercising my free will change things (or even bring things to an abrupt end)? Yes, it did. Do I blame the psychic for being inaccurate? Of course not.

Sure some of them use it as an excuse, but from my experience, most of them bring up free will more as a reminder of how you're not completely at the mercy of the POI's actions and intentions.

If you don't believe in free will, who or what do you believe is dictating your choices?

That is a great example.i have read with spiritualist reader aka cookie regarding my POI..& she told me he wouldn't come back until I reach out I said "hell no am NOT doing that" besides giving me her psychic advice that is bad womanly advise cz A.i have reached out before and B.the man should chase the female in many situations..So by me choosing not to contact him I might have changed my destiny but that's ok by me.But she further goes to say he would reach out but it would take a while and at this point I wouldn't even want yes his or my free will and choice not to contact has set me to my path of never being him it wasn't meant to be..

Offline bluebelle

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Re: would you consider someone who changes predictions as accurate?
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2017, 02:18:17 PM »
A psychic might offer a prediction and it might be accurate in that moment. But the outcome is always a moving target because all it takes is a text message, a brief conversation, seeing a photo on Instagram, etc, etc and the whole situation can unexpectedly change.

Also, there have been times when I was so consumed by a situation (usually a relationship thing) and so many predictions were made. But then I'd have a moment of clarity, shift my energy, and stop caring as much. Weeks later, with this new perspective, I'd go back and ask a reader where the situation stands now and, of course, the predictions changed.

This is why I don't ask for predictions and brush them off when they are given without me asking. If I were to base anything on predictions, I'd have to call every day, or even multiple times a day, just to check in with how things are, what might have changed, and what new prediction comes from current circumstances.

It would be like constantly checking the weather report to gauge what is going to happen. Sure, certain weather patterns can lead to an obvious prediction of what's in store, but even just the slightest change can mean the different between a tropical storm and hurricane.

These days, I prefer to go to readers for knowledge and create my own outcome.

This is so true...that's why it's so pointless to get readings about predictions.  they rarely come true, and since the energy is always in flux, ESP when you are dealing with another person, it's a waste of money and an emotional mindf** at the same time...bad combination.  LOL

