Read with both. Britta was so off it wasnt even funny! I knew within 2 minutes nothing she said was right or would come to pass. And sure enough it didnt!
James james james well i must say he had me at first. Told ne things that seemed so accurate about both my love interest and finances i even called back same day. Then wheh his contact prediction of hearing from my guy did not pan out, hence his prediction of everything would totally change forctge better, this was my man and it was meant to be, i called him back to tell him that and he saud we were done and would never be together. Said i would probably never even hear from him again. WTF?!! I asked for a refund obviously. Come to find out a month later he was wrong bout my finances aswell!! Saw a deal would go bad but it didnt at all! So no...not for me.
The ones I trust now because so far everything is unfolding as and wheh they say are Tara and Mark. Although I only spoke to mark once because of his rate, he has given me month by month play outs and its unfolding exactly as he says. Tara is great great GREAT with details. Picked up the third party within 10 seconds of our first reading. Her timelines are also exceptional.