Off with their heads ...
hahahaha. i can't. every SINGLE ONE of them predicted it wrong (except the three I didn't ask - and I've decided not to ask them because if they get it wrong I'll have no one else to call).
Think for a minute about what you said. If you ask the last 3 and they're wrong as well you won't have anyone else to call. Why would you want to continue to call people that aren't accurate and waste your money? I totally understand your dilemma but we have to be realistic. You'd be wasting your money big time. You can find other readers. Have you ever tried Tarot by Penelope on Etsy? She's pretty awesome.
You're right
. But I think I'll just not do it... then I'll have no one to call and it takes SO long to decide if someone is good. I've decided that maybe it's just a bad question... I mean... my favorites have gotten SO much right. If they all have gotten this wrong... maybe I should just let it go.
When I was looking for jobs three years ago, all my readers got it wrong then, too. They would always say I was going to get the job and none of them were right until the one I got. Maybe readers are better at personalities and relationships....
I'll check Penelope out - I've heard other people say the same thing. I'm leery of going off of keen but will take a peek.
This right here..tell me how can one not claim to see something as BIG as a new job?i had interviewed Afew weeks ago big company move big increase in pay I mean like $10,000& up raise so I took it upon me to see who is right and wrong and Christ did a lot of them fail and get weeded off..
Some said I would get the job..some said I wouldn't.Some said I would get the job increase in pay some couldn't see the increase in pay.If You cannot see something major like that going on in my life cz all my energy and thoughts were directed to the job then honey you gotta go.In the same token I had two psychics predict this new job ofcourse (I took with a grain of salt)one in 4/2016 and June2016(Michelle and josh)