I think it's ok to get readInga on predictions as long as you don't hold on to it, looking at the clock and calendar for it to happen. If you just know and believe it's going to happen, then go have a good time and work on yourself while you wait.
hard not to hold on to it...I find most people do. Like if you hear "you will eventually be with this person" it's always in the back of your mind. Not good (for me at least).
Oh I know! Believe me! I don't think detaching means never thinking about it. I think it means not obsessing about it
like continuing to call readers asking the same question every day and expecting the timeframe to happen. The times predictions and time frames have happened for me are when I just put the reading aside and not look at the calendar. It's kinda cool going back to the readings and seeing they were right
Kinda random - but I also feel that ALOT of outcomes depends on the type of read you get, or the type of questions you ask. For example, I feel that in my experiences, asking questions about my career or "will I get this job or promotion" have ALWAYS been wrong/inaccurate to some degree - and I feel that this is because in situations like that, the outcome is SO black and white - its either a yes or a no answer with nothing in between, and your energy is not at all intertwined with this type of outcome or situation (not saying that some readers cant be right, but i feel in this type of situation it is very hard to put all your energy into readings and attach at all to an outcome)..however..with love/relationship/friendship type readings, I feel these readings for me have been WAY more accurate. It also has to do with YOUR intuition as well. If your ex boyfriend/girlfriend is literally engaged to another person and you ask a reader "will he/she come back to me because we had a strong connection?", and they say yes, chances are this may be that your POI
thinks about you from time to time and may consider "what if"...but the chances of this person coming back in the real world is extremely slim when you break down the concrete facts. However, if you and a recent ex broke up over something that is fixable, and you KNOW there are still feelings there, the energy vibrations are so much higher between the both of you, so I feel predictions can be way more accurate, and not as much up and down and changing.
Also - banking on predictions from general reads is just like going to a carnival and getting a palm read IMO. There are so many scripts to go off of, and so many things anyone can say that can apply to you. I advise not going to a physics without a specific question, especially on websites. Sorry for the rant - but I think it is very important to remember that accuracy/inaccuracy definitely depends on the situation you are going to the reader with, because some situations across the board are so much clearer to read. Holding out on an outcome is one thing, but I think if a read really resonates with your situation and it makes sense for YOU, the outcome a trusted reader gives you may definitely come to pass - maybe not in the exact time frame, but it will.