Author Topic: Resistance while practicing LOA  (Read 5210 times)


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Resistance while practicing LOA
« on: February 22, 2017, 03:17:56 PM »
Does anyone feel any resistance when they practice LOA? As in, feel silly or feel like wasting time or fear disappointment that what if our visualization doesn't manifest?
I know all of it works and I have seen it and experienced it, but a voice within me keeps popping up and saying 'so stupid to believe in all this, instead of doing real work you are just wasting your time'.. I feel being an engineer, I am deep programmed to feel silly to talk about spiritual stuff, and just be technical. But, I am very interested in LOA, intuition, etc. and spend so much time reading about this stuff, listening to it. All my friends also think that all this stuff is hocus pocus and it's all good for fun but just that-fun! So I don't want to discuss this with them!

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Resistance while practicing LOA
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2017, 04:30:07 PM »
Does anyone feel any resistance when they practice LOA? As in, feel silly or feel like wasting time or fear disappointment that what if our visualization doesn't manifest?
I know all of it works and I have seen it and experienced it, but a voice within me keeps popping up and saying 'so stupid to believe in all this, instead of doing real work you are just wasting your time'.. I feel being an engineer, I am deep programmed to feel silly to talk about spiritual stuff, and just be technical. But, I am very interested in LOA, intuition, etc. and spend so much time reading about this stuff, listening to it. All my friends also think that all this stuff is hocus pocus and it's all good for fun but just that-fun! So I don't want to discuss this with them!

I get that as well.  I've read it's fairly normal for negative thoughts to pop up but the key is to not allow them to stay.  I got all freaked out once about having positive vibes and stressed about not being able to be positive and happy every moment.  I got really frustrated. But then I read, as long as you don't stay there and dwell on the negative, then you're good.   There's a law of attraction forum that's pretty good for questions like these.  My problem I do LOA for a while and nothing happens so I lose hope and give up.  :(


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Re: Resistance while practicing LOA
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2017, 05:41:38 PM »
Same here! I try LOA, it doesn't work, or at least doesn't work how I want it, and then I just give up for a while..then I read some success story and I want to try it again!..It's like a vicious circle.. However, as I am writing this, I think maybe I am resisting or have limiting beliefs which I may need to clear.
Will see.. today is one of those days when m mindset is like -'to hell with everything, I don't care or give a damn' LOL

I will check out the LOA forum. I will also post my question in Lanie Stevens forum as well to see what she says.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Resistance while practicing LOA
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2017, 05:52:23 PM »
Same here! I try LOA, it doesn't work, or at least doesn't work how I want it, and then I just give up for a while..then I read some success story and I want to try it again!..It's like a vicious circle.. However, as I am writing this, I think maybe I am resisting or have limiting beliefs which I may need to clear.
Will see.. today is one of those days when m mindset is like -'to hell with everything, I don't care or give a damn' LOL

I will check out the LOA forum. I will also post my question in Lanie Stevens forum as well to see what she says.

To be honest, I LOVE those days where I just say to hell with everything, I don't care!  It's SO freeing!  I'm having more and more of those :)

Offline HopefulHeart

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Re: Resistance while practicing LOA
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2017, 09:37:14 PM »
Hi everyone!

I don't post much on the board anymore but I do tend to lurk. I saw this post about LOA and just wanted to pop in and put in my 2 cents if I could. I've done a lot of studying on LOA over the past year. There's a lot of different variations on LOA and what you want to happen. Some say to focus on a specific conversation or specific event, some say to just focus on a sort of outcome you want (for instance, focusing on seeing yourself in a new job in a fancy office with your own big window, or seeing yourself back in a relationship with your ex getting married or happy in your own home together, etc). But here's the sort of catch I have learned; The thing with LOA is to not focus on the outcome NOT happening. Focus on the outcome you want but DONT focus on it not happening.

LOA is a matter of positive bringing in positive, and negative feeding negative. Have you ever been having a bad day, and realize the bad keeps staying bad as you stew on the bad day, and then you ask "what next?!" and something bad happens? Or you obsess on something specifically bad happening and that or something close to it happens? thats still LOA in a sense. You're sending out the negative energy and thoughts and that's what is coming to you. So, if you're focusing on failure or disappointment, that is what you will manifest.  It's natural and normal to have fears and worries, but don't get stuck focusing on that. When in doubt, shift your focus.

One helpful thing I have learned along the way that does help, especially for the days you aren't feeling so positive or worried it isn't working, is to keep a journal of sorts. Every day write down at least ONE good thing that happened. Remember, LOA doesn't always deliver EXACTLY what you want when or how you want it. Generally, it will deliver what you are asking for, but sometimes varied from how you expect it. But the more you stay in a positive mind set or focus on positive happening, the more positive things will be attracted to you. Sometimes smaller unrelated positive things will start coming your way and it builds up before bringing you that ultimate goal you want. So just journal at least one thing a day that is positive that you are thankful for. It can be as simple as "today my ex texted me first today!" or "went on a fun girls date with my sister". Now what about those rougher days or the days you feel like things didn't go well? Still look for a positive. " I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and a job to keep it that way". Its a small project and some days it may seem silly (but hey, didn't this post already talk about feeling silly using LOA?). But keep doing it. And in a week, two weeks, see how positive you are feeling!  I definitely have more LOA and positivity tips and tricks than just that, but thats a pretty good start lol

You also don't have to always focus on what you want every day all day long. Even just 10-15 minutes a day is enough. Be it on your morning commute (please be focused while driving though!),on your lunch break, or even as you drift off to sleep. And you don't have to worry if you don't do it every day or at the same time every day. The universe isnt going to go "Oh! Well... they didn't do it today, so now they can't have it!". The universe just doesn't work that way. Yes of course it helps to power up the intention to focus every day, but you won't be punished if you don't.

The biggest thing to remember is to stop focusing on the fact that it hasn't happened yet or that things aren't working out exactly how you want them to. Don't focus on worry or fears of things going badly. Focus on things working out. Focus on the thought that it WILL. Expect nothing else. Don't expect for one moment that your desire won't come to fruition. But don't focus on it not happening when you want it to. You are your only limit. I think a lot of this ties into getting readings as well; you get an outcome, you focus on only that outcome. You start worrying "oh it hasn't happened yet, maybe it won't actually happen. Maybe this person is wrong." And then the time frame comes along and you go "oh well... it didn't happen. There's still time but..maybe it wont." And now you're putting out those doubts and fears to the universe.

I have seen LOA work for me in the past in a positive way (before I even really knew to call it LOA) and on the flip side I've seen it work for me in the negative. There are days you will have your doubts and fears, some days it seems hopeless or pointless. But don't dwell in that energy.


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Re: Resistance while practicing LOA
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2017, 04:33:12 PM »
Thank you all! Your insights greatly helped me stay motivated since yesterday.. even when I started thinking about one of my fear, that it may never happen or this guy likes someone else, then I was easily able to ward it off..and stay in my vortex! Thanks, again!


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Re: Resistance while practicing LOA
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2017, 07:28:13 PM »
"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."  (And I add "piece of God within me")

Love this! On my vision board already!

I also checked out Emoto's videos--pretty cool!

