Author Topic: Free will v Life path set in stone?  (Read 8326 times)

Offline Cooper28

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Free will v Life path set in stone?
« on: February 15, 2017, 09:51:12 AM »
Hi everyone

I came across this in the profile for dancingvoice, who seems to get strong results from his customers:

''From the moment of birth, each of us has a unique Life Path with many aspects on that path already set in stone. It is important to remember that we are born with the important instinct of "Free Will". This gives us the ability to learn things for ourselves from our own mistakes and also to make our own decisions in life. This action of Free Will also has a big impact on your Life Path and the way in which the lines and branches take shape throughout our life. So it is important to remember, that although your path can show the best direction in which to head, the steps you take are based on your OWN FREE WILL. In most cases, the FREE WILL you use will only change the way in which the path reaches the outcome and will NOT change the outcome we see happening for you."

Has anyone ever had a life path reading in any form? Do you even believe our life path is set in stone?

Maybe this is the holy grail we're searching for so we can make peace with the circumstances that we cannot change, whatever they may be. Or maybe the feeling of being powerless is what we need to work on overcoming so that we can act on FREE WILL and not rely on psychics to visualise the many branches in our life path.


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Re: Free will v Life path set in stone?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2017, 01:06:10 PM »
You nailed it with your last sentence

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Free will v Life path set in stone?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2017, 02:39:55 PM »
I agree, last sentence is so true.

I think best thing to do in this situation is to just live your life as you would before you got psychic readings...treat a break up or whatever as you would without any input about the future and try to move on as best as you can...whatever will be will be.  DEF don't hold on too much if reality is showing you different than what the reading say.

I remember I was in a situation with my family several years back..real messy situation and seemed hopeless as far as coming out on the other end with what we wanted to happen.  I had a family member who was all doom and gloom but I always kept a positive state of mind as best as I could..and sure enough, it all worked out for the best, although VERY difficult and challenging.  I never got readings about this situation and boy am I glad I didn't!  I just lived my life day to day and hoped for the best...

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Free will v Life path set in stone?
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2017, 04:33:39 PM »
My friend had a life path reading with Allie Theiss like, 10 years ago and it's amazing the things that have happened that we thought were so weird and unlikely at the time. For example, that she would start a nonprofit. Ten years ago, my friend was a stay-at-home mom of four with no career. So yeah, I do think some things are basically set in stone.


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Re: Free will v Life path set in stone?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2017, 05:20:10 PM »
I agree, last sentence is so true.

I think best thing to do in this situation is to just live your life as you would before you got psychic readings...treat a break up or whatever as you would without any input about the future and try to move on as best as you can...whatever will be will be.  DEF don't hold on too much if reality is showing you different than what the reading say.
I second that. Binge Reading with a bunch of psychics and hanging on to dates and outcomes is a great way to be disappointed. Just. Live. Life. Stop wasting time on what could be and pay attention to reality as it is. Why hang onto someone who doesn't want to be with you or isn't with you here and now?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 05:22:35 PM by stargazer »

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: Free will v Life path set in stone?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2017, 05:27:53 PM »
Yes I know and believe things are set in stone ..if we have free will then why consult a psychic ?maybe guidance and all..I think free will is an excuse thrown in there because the Bible says "even before you were born God had a plan for you"-that is what set in stone is.Have u ever tried to hold onto something or do something and it's just not working for you ?be it careers,school ,love even plans  etc?because it's not in your destiny or life path to be yours and work out hence let go of everything ..and it will all fall into place..

Offline Jjj

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Re: Free will v Life path set in stone?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2017, 07:36:49 PM »
Its just like i was saying in another post on here.

This psychic i have ready with for about 2 years has always read the outcome for me and my girl. ( during the bad times and good times) never changed his predictions. He also never put a timming on it.

I asked him can i can choose to have this someone else. And he laughed and said of course cause god gave everyone freewill. However he didnt see me choosing anyone else. Either way my girl was comming to me wanting to have a relationship again (the opportunity was gonna present itself) if i choose to take it or not is up to me.

Offline Beesa

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Re: Free will v Life path set in stone?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2017, 03:02:12 AM »
I've heard Dancing Voice is awful, but I've never read with him. I know some people really seem to like him. Is he any good?

I think free will is definitely 'a thing'. I think when we harp on timing we actually end up delaying it sometimes, because we have tunnel vision and get super obsessive. The things which are set in stone will just happen and unfold at their own course - if they're 'meant' to happen, they will happen. The times I wanted to hurry things along, I got really bad results, and i don't know if it was cuz the timing wasn't 'right' or I just wasn't supposed to have it happen.
A couple of times I did personal spells to make certain things happen at a certain time (like within a time period) and it was fine, but it wasn't like getting reads, it was my own personal spell and decision.
I hate asking for timing from readers but fall into that trap, and it usually backfires on me.


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Re: Free will v Life path set in stone?
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2017, 07:51:15 AM »
I've read with dancing voice in the past. He's not bad but his readings tend to be verbose, something I kinda think he does to eat up time. At the time  I was asking about two different people and he picked up on my issues with them both without details from me.

Offline Beesa

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Re: Free will v Life path set in stone?
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2017, 09:00:44 PM »
That's cool, I wouldn't mind giving him a try at some point, if I'm in the mood for a read. It's weird but it's been weeks since I've got a read, I just don't much feel like it anymore lol