Author Topic: My psychic stories <keen>  (Read 4233 times)

Offline Clover22

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My psychic stories <keen>
« on: January 22, 2017, 05:38:57 PM »
I have been talking on keen for a year and a half I had my bad readers and good the one I go to is Love nurse (I was pregnant when I started )she told me my daughter father was gonna be late or not show up to the birth Accurate!that he was lying which he was she never sugar coat stuff but she always assured me I was gon be ok she can't see everything and she will tell u that.she don't see all bad stuff she see the surface of bad things but always sees the good .her times frames are off sometimes it's like a hit and miss I love her tho she helped me Thur a lot !Cassie (journeybyspirit) very negative at times her stories changed a lot wit me but she did get some major details she told me someone was stalking me which was accurate and that I was gon work n a hospital which I do and this is what LN didn't see ..the first time I called Cassie she knew I was pregnant b4 I told her bc I was callin initially about work and she said are u ready for that ??!!sometimes she is bias with her opinion she was more mad at my bf then I was and she bc so negative so I never ask about him only work I got to ln for the matter of the heart but it's hard bc we all do what we want so it's hard to pinpoint my bf but love nurse did tell me she saw test and we did that she did tell me he was gon be here a lot he is I'm waiting on the big finalie though marriage commitment move in house all this love nurse see Cassie said it's gon be awhile but she has been off lately ...I'm kinda sticking with love nurse bc I got a intensive reading face to face and I decided it and she said the same thing ln said marriage proposal more kids she didn't know sex the other lady did but she did confirmed everything ln said ...not the bad things tho for some reason ...

