as far as Judi goes, or channelers in general, I have to say I think Suecreate channeled the person I was calling about better than Judi did. Not saying Judi is bad but Suecreate talked EXACTLY like him. Judi, not so much...the stuff she channeled didn't even sound like stuff he would really say, and he never did (we no longer speak). but Sue's channeling was on point as far as the way he spoke, which makes me inclined to think it was legit. She even once told me something that was 100% true about that man, that there is no way she could have guessed.
Sue's issue is she interjects her own stuff into the readings...that's the only thing I didn't like at the time. I guess it's a matter of finding who works.
But again, just because the person is FEELING the things they channel, does not mean they will act. In my case, they did not.