I agree, readers need to keep their personal opinion out altogether... For Penelope in particular, please just never tell her your story.
100% on this.
When she said she didn't understand what I was asking, I gave her some details. It turned into, and this is an exact quote from her mouth "it's less of a psychic reading and more how business works" like I was a simpleton. I'm not one of the highest paid people in the entire state in my line of work because I don't understand how business works. Then she started spouting her personal opinion as legal opinion and it was
time because if she is psychic, she ought to be seeing why I don't need legal advice. Then she was practically shouting that I "wanted the brutal truth" and this was all "common sense",
I was very upset by my reading with her. I think if she had stuck to the cards, it would have been fine, but she didn't. It started out ok and I got one answer in the very beginning that I believe to be true, but the rest was straight downhill. I was nearly physically ill over the possibility that she was right about something extremely important, but I've since found out through someone else with firsthand knowledge that it is not what is happening at all and her conjecture about this was pure horseshit.
The fact that she was so wrong about this really important thing and let her opinion shit all over the reading made the whole reading a throwaway for me because it was 95% how she felt things worked versus what I saw with my own two eyes. I needed her for what I couldn't and didn't see, not to argue with me about factual matters.