Author Topic: Timing shifts explained!  (Read 4313 times)

Offline AustralieNs

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Timing shifts explained!
« on: February 04, 2017, 03:57:43 AM »
When prediction dates pass they can make us feel crushed or foolish for trusting an advisor. The farther time moves away from the prediction date, the more hopeless we feel. Hearing about "free will" interference is frustrating and makes me wonder if I'm not just being duped altogether. HOWEVERR I just read this explanation in Samantha Wilds profile on Keen and it is VERY interesting and well illustrated.

Here's what she said about Timing

Why timing questions make me nuts...or how you can win the war with free will
Here's the thing about timing: Your actions or feelings about the situation can change an outcome. Yup it sure can.

I am going to explain, why, but first allow me to share an assumption: 

 If you are calling to speak to a psychic,  you hold a belief that there exists something that is greater than yourself.  Whether you believe that there is a  divine source that exists within you that connects all humans to one consciousness ( almost like the Borg, but in a good way) or  the opposite -  you believe the source is outside of you,  like a mighty ruler on a throne, angels around us,  these beliefs show that you feel that  there is "more" than what meets the eye. Correct?

I am more from the school of thought that these are both correct.  We have a total universe within us, and within this universe exists all of life including the guides (or angels) that help us.

You've heard the saying about how if you cast a pebble,  "When casting pebbles  into water, look at the ripples being formed thereby. Otherwise this activity will be an empty amusement."
— Kozma Prutkov

Although a pebble is small , its ripples are far reaching

Okay,  now think of that pebble as an emotion  thrown into the vast consciousness of everything that is. In this vast consciousness are every ones thoughts and feelings, just a pebbles throw away from yours. It is in this consciousness that an empath draws from in order to find answers for you.

Lets look at a common scenario  and the various pebble effects.

Sue is waiting for Sam to call.  They had an argument 2 days earlier  He completely shuts down asks her to leave him alone for a while . She asks a psychic how long is a while? When will he call?

The reader tells Sue that Sam will call in 3 months, he needs a major cooling off time to clarify his feeling and to  find the words to explain to Sue how he feels about things. Shes told that if she lets him be, the air will be cleared and they can have a fresh start. 

Here are only a few of the possible hundreds of ripple responses of Sue hearing the prediction of 3 months.

ripple one - hearing that it will take 3 months for the call   - sue gets annoyed , calls Sam, demanding he grow up and deals with the issue now. Sam feels Sue is controlling , demanding and disrespectful of his request for time out and decides he doesn't want a pushy girl friend, and takes off for good.

ripple two - sue hears 3 months,  decides that its too long to wait,  and decides she can make him respond faster if she hits on a mutual friend ,thinking the jealousy will make him return sooner.Only now,  he doesn't return at all , because he doesn't trust her. Or worse , he returns due to his jealously, with revenge on his mind.

ripple 3 -  Sue decides Sam is just plain selfish for taking that long so  she takes the bull by the horns  and decides to move on. She feels  that if he can't confront their issues faster, they are not a good fit.   Now, do you remember the pebble?   Because Sam and Sue are so connected, when she cut the cord so to speak,  he feels it.  All in that unconscious pool of sharing.  She cuts the cord...ripple ripple ripple  -  snap -  he feels it, unconsciously,.   And  suddenly like a shot,   he panic's, feels he is losing her, has no clue why he feels that way, and phones. .. not 3 months later but 4 days.

ripple 4 - Sue hears 3 months, says.."okay, whatever.. I am just going to do my life.If I meet someone in the meantime, cool , and if not and I still want him, cool  too! "  A calm is created in that ripple.  Once again he feels the change in pressure, no longer an intense wave, rather a calm pond,  so to speak..Something in Sam calms a little, it takes him less time to process his feelings because he feels more relaxed, and he calls Sue 2 weeks later.

ripple 5.. Sue says 3 months too long, and she phones him the following day  in a calm loving state to work things out. Sam is not used to this from Sue. Something shifts in him. and opens up with his thoughts.  They clear the air.  Together they agree on how to proceed next.

ripple 6  Sue does not take her focus off the phone for one minute.  Waiting for that call., Sam can feel the pressure (ripple) , he can feel her waiting although he may not know that it is her waiting that is making him uncomfortable..  He hates this feeling...and starts dating someone else because he feels it will remove the pressure.OR He decides that he just doesn't want to be with her if it makes him feel bad.

ripple 7 - my favorite... let go and let God.  Get your focus off timing,  and trust that the universal consciousness is working in wondrous ways.

All these emotional responses to the 3 month prediction , changed the course of events as originally seen, thus changing the timing and  the ultimate response the adviser saw in Sam. In many of these cases ,   the renewal of the  relationship does not occur, and  unfortunately  it's all too easy to blame the adviser for "leading you on" , but more often than not, it is your reaction to the information that shifts the timing  Of course, the opposite is true as well. Sometimes when we just let go... the return speeds up. Yes, free will, is real!.



Offline Jjj

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Re: Timing shifts explained!
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2017, 04:21:57 AM »
Pretty much true being spoken. Good to see some positive post after a few bad days. Its easier said then done but its the best. Stay positive and what is meant to be will be in the god/universe perfect timming!

Offline bstalling

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Re: Timing shifts explained!
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2017, 05:10:56 AM »
All of that is bullshit. Psychics are just not good with timing, so they guess or at the very most feel their way to a date.

I just had a prediction happen 4 years after the psychic said it would. This psychic said it would happen in months time. But, it happened exacly as she said it 110%.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Timing shifts explained!
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2017, 11:42:30 AM »
Bstalling I agree with you. I've spoken to a couple that have predicted stuff but refuse to give timing. 

Offline bagalagaa88

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Re: Timing shifts explained!
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2017, 07:25:26 PM »
I agree with this train of thought.
All the times I was given timelines i couldn't wait so I reached out and he fled. When I eventually began to contemplate letting go and letting the universe take it's course he came back. I think many of the readers guess which route you would be likely to take on some level. As it says we all have free will, it just depends on what you choose to do with the information. I do believe we are all connected energetically.

Same as all my previous relationships. I knew deep down they would be back and it wasn't until I fully let go (usually 3-5 months) later they all came back.


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Re: Timing shifts explained!
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2017, 08:45:27 PM »
I agree to an extent that yes, us being impatient and calling will and can intefer for sure.

However, from my experience MANY were guessing. There were very few who weren't such as Abigail, Keisha and Tammy. I have always hated when they went off the energy of the other person and assumed contact would be soon. Just because the energy is strong doesn't mean the POI will contact me.

But, there have been many readers who nailed timing via tarot cards or seeing numbers so not all of them are terrible at timing but MOST. I did get one contact prediction correct though.

Offline AustralieNs

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Re: Timing shifts explained!
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2017, 10:11:14 PM »
I agree I think many are definitely guessing- but this ripple effect thing is kinda supported by quantum physics so it seems legit. Who nailed timing for you if you don't mind me asking? I've been told so many different contact dates 🙈


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Re: Timing shifts explained!
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2017, 10:20:15 PM »
Oh I agree with the ripple effect but there are many who can't just be honest and say they don't know lol.

Abrielle from gave me a 6 and I saw the person on Jan. 6

Offline Jjj

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Re: Timing shifts explained!
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2017, 12:17:17 AM »
This pretty much is same thing as Law of Attraction.
You think positive on it and let it go. Let god/universe handle all the details. With the perfect timming

