Yes, here are a few correct predictions - I am staying elusive because of privacy concerns.
- Job search prediction - 1 > 2 weeks / months - will be very secure financially at the end of 2nd month. Correct - That job search had taken 20 months, several trusted readers missed the mark, she nailed it.
- Communication with A: they are shut down, priority is on the numbers / work. Communication will start picking up by mid-month B - correct
- Event where 1 person’s presence will cause some opening and assist me on some level - Correct.
- Someone wears 2 faces - can’t be trusted. Correct
- Selling a property: summer months, at a time of weather change, when it gets colder. Correct, negotiations happened beginning of Aug, signed beginning of Oct.
- An other event with a female energy that will again cause an opening - Correct
- Someone will go through a period of depression. Correct
- Significant event involving someone in 2, hours/days/weeks. Happened 2 days later. Was definitely significant. (marking the clear end of a cycle for me)
I don't want to give much details, but overall, she has been pretty consistent and informative in all my readings and she has advised me efficiently.
There are predictions still pending for the end of the year. She has mentioned then since March or so, so it they turn to be correct, I will confidently say that she is able to read pretty far out.
Not everything turned to be correct, but probably more than 70% of her predictions could be verified and were in timeframes or close. Some predictions did not happen or get delayed(? time will tell) - I believe people's decisions can change the turn of events and create delays.
The way she reads people seems accurate to me and is also aligned with my other regular readers. I tend to only read with 3-4 trusted psychics (2 of them I read with for 2 and 4 years)