I read with her on the 27th of September. This is what she told me:
- Start. New beginning. This man loves me.
- 10 of wands. He's pushing himself hard. Overburdened with work. Very shut down, almost depressed. He needs space but now he has it it seems the grass is not greener, it's somehow an empty victory. He's very stubborn.
- 6 of swords. Gradually we'll start to build the same amount of energy needed for this to work. We have potential once he realised how much power and love I can bring into his life. It's not a break-up but a break.
- 2 of pentacles. Some abandonment when he was a child and he's projecting that into me and the way he treats me. I might be patient a bit longer. He's scared.
- Ace of wands. Regrets. This difficult time is coming to an end. More movement/action from him towards me. Reconnection.
- Ace of cups. He's starving for my love. In 2019 he'll make a commitment.
She also said other stuff like he's carrying suitcase and luggage, what means he carries bad experiences from his past and that we'll have more communication over the next two months. He'll make me proud of him with the changes he makes (She said she saw that very clear... I don't...
Let's wait for 2019 to unfold but tbh the guy blocked me on Whatsapp (for no strong reason at all) 10 days after this reading, so it doesn't make much sense to me!! Most of the psychics tell me the same: he loves you, doesn't know how to deal with his emotions, he wants to be in control, he's stubborn, bla bla bla. Bogus! LOL