Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True
Having a friendship with a reader
Sometimes when I read feedback on keen I see some people saying "love you" to the psychic... then I'm like wtf have I missed something what's wrong in this world lol. Saying love you to a psychic... how fucked up is that
--- Quote from: Love-33 on July 11, 2017, 08:16:34 PM ---Sometimes when I read feedback on keen I see some people saying "love you" to the psychic... then I'm like wtf have I missed something what's wrong in this world lol. Saying love you to a psychic... how fucked up is that
--- End quote ---
So I started the original post and I found over time that the conversations we 90% personal (i.e. Catching up on the goings, comings, family etc.) and 10% actually getting a reading. She was very invested in me and my life but I thought that was a good thing. Ultimately it turned out to be the worse thing ever because I was spending money to talk to a 'friend'. She was about 50/50 in terms of accuracy which at the time seemed like enough. I'm only wise to this now
That's I feel so glad that I found this forum! I love the venting section more than readers
You know you can get more support here than paying someone to feed you BS. I still like getting readings, but this forum has made me wiser as to who to go to and not over indulge.
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