I could be wrong... but I think she use to read on California Psychic... that reader used tarot but was heavy into astrology and numerology and yeah... was good at short term stuff. Does this reader use tarot at any point?
She will, but that's not her strong suit (no pun intended). LOL
I am not going to be calling her for a while. I have been a client for the last 3+ years; I don't know if anyone else is noticing what I am on her weekly emails, but she is just 'off' mentally as of late. Like mixing my chart up with someone else's during a reading, rambling and eating minutes off the clock....that type of stuff. I get the sense she needs a break and to recharge.
Also I haven't checked lately, but she's not been on KEEN lately to save her life. I don't know what's going on with her to be honest, I like her as a person and pray she is OK. She was really good at astrology back in the day.