How constantly accurate is she with feelings? Does she get your energy mixed up with someone else's and say he loves you when he actually loves the other? For me, I had just asked if I would hear from him or not; and she connected well i.e. validated with some info that was true (although she couldnt articulate it well, but thats fine), then told there is love (definitely). I asked if its for me, and she said yes, you are who I am reading for.
Then some days after the reading (i.e. a few days before), I saw he was pursing the ex on facebook and I also just saw she (who ideally should not have even known my name) has blocked me on facebook- which is funny because I dont even know her, nor did I try contacting her. This was his way of letting me know he likes her as only he could have given her my name.
So what I am missing here on Z? She isnt sugar coating but this love thing is just wrong...
If he ever tells me directly otherwise, will let you know but clearly, his actions are speaking for itself.