Author Topic: Zadalia  (Read 275148 times)

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #570 on: December 13, 2019, 11:08:00 AM »
I think Keen or Zadalia deleted the email. It's no longer in my inbox.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #571 on: December 13, 2019, 02:34:31 PM »
I think Keen or Zadalia deleted the email. It's no longer in my inbox.

That's true.

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #572 on: December 14, 2019, 12:23:19 AM »
mine is still there

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #573 on: December 14, 2019, 03:43:29 AM »
I believe she means her Keen email box. The email from Z has been deleted, although my emails are forwarded to my personal email as well. I wonder did Keen forget that. Anywho, here is the email.

This is an open letter to my clients, and I am not writing this for any kind of promotion purposes or any nonsense. What I am writing you about is for your genuine thoughts on something that I really hope you can share with me please.
Only one or two of you might know that I am a writer, and I have written 2 books. One was published (not self-published and no, it didn’t do well), and the other is in the process of being considered for publication. Both were memoirs. I am not a well known writer nor am I seeking publicity. I am , however, in the process of writing a 3rd book - fictional autobiography - about psychic addiction. And I need your help, because I want your voice on this. I need your advice about what you would like to see happen between you, a client, and your reader. And is it really ever so simple as someone else having the ‘answers’? :

In the several years I have worked as a reader (I’ve actually been a professional reader for about 20 years but have taken several breaks in-between), I’ve noticed the alarming increase in psychic addiction and have watched it destroy families, relationships, hopes, incomes, have seen people lose houses and go through bankruptcy because of it. It’s incredibly terrible and my heart goes out to everyone who has had to go through this. It’s a dirty secret because we, as readers, are dirty secrets since we are anonymous individuals who do not seemingly, directly affect your life socially, while giving comfort and assurance on the one hand, and silently creating havoc in other ways with false hopes and fairytales. Psychic addiction is insidious. It is corrosive and destroys lives from the inside out. Those who know me and know my reads know I am not one of these readers. I do want to make a living but I am really careful about who I read for, and try to counsel self trust able all else. I don’t encourage addictions and if I can't connect, I will send you on your way. As an empath I do try to be there for anyone who needs it while trying to redirect the energy back to self. I want you to have a strong relationship with YOURSELF first and foremost - as a result, your intuition grows and becomes stronger so that you do not need me or anyone else at all.

However. I am also very well aware that there are a lot of charlatans out there parading as readers, people who you put your trust into and who are liars and only out to make a buck. Readers who abuse your trust. Readers who lie and use your trust to manipulate you. I realize it’s terrible and for the record, I have been on that side of it. When I was going through a divorce several years ago and felt very vulnerable I went on my own insane binge and was on the receiving end of a lot of BS which was laughable as well as disturbing. It’s amazing how we don’t just choose a therapist. Readers are anonymous and they don’t make us see things in ourselves that maybe we should look into. An article I read a while ago said we were the new “life coaches”. lol. That requires discipline. The point is that psychic addiction is to move you away from discipline. I have always been trying to work against that in my readings. If I’ve succeeded or failed is unknown. You can tell me what you think though.

My question is, What would you like addressed in a book about psychic addiction? What would you like to see? What perspectives would you like to be raised , and what kind of resolution would you, as a client, like to see for yourself, in this narrative?

What do you really like to get out of psychic readings?

Much love and you have no idea how each of you have helped me grow even in reading for you. You have helped me become a better person by being there for you.

Much love ,

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #574 on: December 14, 2019, 05:57:30 PM »
I knew Keen was going to have an issue with her email. She might get banned for doing that, but I couldn’t even fathom what she was even thinking. Keen is a business that thrives off psychic addictions, so she would have been costing them business regardless of what her intent was. You can’t work for a company that banks on addictions and then turn around and try to help the addicted. Perhaps it’s possible, but does Phillip Morris have any stock in nicotine gum or the patch? I'm not sure. She was searching for material for another book, or so it seems, she just didn’t go about it in a conducive manner.


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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #575 on: December 14, 2019, 06:30:21 PM »
I knew Keen was going to have an issue with her email. She might get banned for doing that, but I couldn’t even fathom what she was even thinking. Keen is a business that thrives off psychic addictions, so she would have been costing them business regardless of what her intent was. You can’t work for a company that banks on addictions and then turn around and try to help the addicted. Perhaps it’s possible, but does Phillip Morris have any stock in nicotine gum or the patch? I'm not sure. She was searching for material for another book, or so it seems, she just didn’t go about it in a conducive manner.

I’m not entirely sure Zadalia cares if Keen bans her.  She strikes me as an intelligent woman, one who would surely know the consequences of her actions when it comes to to sending Keen clients an e-mail warning against the downward spiral of psychic addictions. 

With that said, if anyone would like her personal site, feel free to pm me. Due to the potential controversial nature of her e-mail from the stance of platform sites, I’m not going to include the url to her personal site in this post. Might take me a bit to get back to you considering that I’m trying to divert my attention from this forum, but I will get back to you.  When it comes to a million dollar if not billion dollar industry, you can never be too careful on who is lurking, which is why my intuition is telling me not to post her site at the moment.

Also, a bunch of garbage sites are now appearing if you google her name.  So something is definitely up.

Offline maggs30

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #576 on: December 14, 2019, 06:46:28 PM »
I would like to think she sent it through keen for a bigger reason. She is trying to help the addicts. There are thousands addicted to keen. What better way to grab their attention to make them stop and think.


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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #577 on: December 14, 2019, 07:01:47 PM »
I would like to think she sent it through keen for a bigger reason. She is trying to help the addicts. There are thousands addicted to keen. What better way to grab their attention to make them stop and think.

Well said, Maggs! :-)

Offline Sincity2

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #578 on: December 14, 2019, 09:13:28 PM »
I think it’s really cool that she’s addressing the issue of addiction.

Offline Solitude_Soul

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #579 on: December 14, 2019, 10:34:40 PM »
I usually get the reading through her personal site and please feel free to PM if you want the link to her personal site. Its much cheaper to go through her site and she is pretty quick in responding.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #580 on: December 21, 2019, 12:32:50 AM »
I read with zadalia for the second time tonight. I have to admit the reading made me more anxious than anything because there were aspects that she was absolutely correct on but others that I’m just not so sure about.  Back story:   My SO broke up with me last week after dating for a few months.  She had a very specific issue with me not taking things seriously - I kinda bailed on her last minute on two occasions(I wasn’t feeling well and was exhausted but nevertheless).  After the first occasion, my SO was upset and made it very clear that wasn’t cool with her.  She said she needed that kind of stuff to not happen.  Well I kinda did it again two weeks ago.  She broke up with me a week later.  other than that,  the relationship was fine and we were pretty good to each other.  Zadalia seemed to want to take all the blame away from me and say that my GF was just using these instances as an excuse because she wasn’t sure the relationship was what she wanted Plus she feels there was another guy around.  Not discounting there could’ve been another guy around but i have a really hard time thinking I didn’t have a major play in the break up.  Just more confused now.


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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #581 on: December 21, 2019, 12:55:59 AM »
I read with zadalia for the second time tonight. I have to admit the reading made me more anxious than anything because there were aspects that she was absolutely correct on but others that I’m just not so sure about.  Back story:   My SO broke up with me last week after dating for a few months.  She had a very specific issue with me not taking things seriously - I kinda bailed on her last minute on two occasions(I wasn’t feeling well and was exhausted but nevertheless).  After the first occasion, my SO was upset and made it very clear that wasn’t cool with her.  She said she needed that kind of stuff to not happen.  Well I kinda did it again two weeks ago.  She broke up with me a week later.  other than that,  the relationship was fine and we were pretty good to each other.  Zadalia seemed to want to take all the blame away from me and say that my GF was just using these instances as an excuse because she wasn’t sure the relationship was what she wanted Plus she feels there was another guy around.  Not discounting there could’ve been another guy around but i have a really hard time thinking I didn’t have a major play in the break up.  Just more confused now.

I guess I’m a complete flake, so if someone bails on me, I really can’t complain since I tend to do the same thing unless it’s a super important occasion. So I may be downplaying your behavior.   It really depends on how important the event was that you bailed on.  I do know that it is human nature that when you really like someone you tend to let things slide.  Apparently, she didn’t let the last flake out slide.  Either you bailed on something that really meant something to her and it made her think you didn’t consider her a priority OR she used it as a convenient excuse to end it with you.   You mess up twice, see ya and def don’t want to be with ya kind of mentality.   If you apologized and it was sincere and she won’t work it out with you, I’d say Z is probably correct.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #582 on: December 21, 2019, 01:09:15 AM »
my ex was definitely not out of line for thinking I was not taking the relationship seriously on a few occasions but I also didn’t just bail on said occasions - it’s a nuanced situation.  I’m not discounting that they were excuses to some extent but i also have a hard time accepting that they weren’t at least in part directly responsible for the breakup. My gf was clearly upset on both occasions and she has high standards.  She made it known a good month and a half before the breakup that she needed to see more effort.  I know this probably sounds confusing and over the top.  I’m just venting. 

Offline Smmcoffman

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #583 on: December 27, 2019, 03:32:56 PM »
She is a very good reader, but she need breaks from time to time. I don’t blame her

Offline dasaninot

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #584 on: December 31, 2019, 06:06:32 AM »
Well my last prediction was from Zadalia and it did not pass. I know everyone says not to rely on her for timing but even the feeling part was fairy tale because in all these months,  my POI has never once clicked on my link. So I'm scratching off everyone. And I'm done and truly fed up with psychics.

