Author Topic: Zadalia  (Read 277097 times)

Offline Universal9

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #240 on: October 02, 2017, 12:13:56 PM »
How constantly accurate is she with feelings? Does she get your energy mixed up with someone else's and say he loves you when he actually loves the other? For me, I had just asked if I would hear from him or not; and she connected well i.e. validated with some info that was true (although she couldnt articulate it well, but thats fine), then told there is love (definitely). I asked if its for me, and she said yes, you are who I am reading for.
Then some days after the reading (i.e. a few days before), I saw he was pursing the ex on facebook and I also just saw she (who ideally should not have even known my name) has blocked me on facebook- which is funny because I dont even know her, nor did I try contacting her. This was his way of letting me know he likes her as only he could have given her my name.
So what I am missing here on Z? She isnt sugar coating but this love thing is just wrong...
If he ever tells me directly otherwise, will let you know but clearly, his actions are speaking for itself.

i wouldn't jump to conclusions tbh. i know how it looks but i would wait to see what he says and whats going on. people are looney and block people for all sorts of reasons and if shes blocking you theres some inferiority she feels in terms of you. i don't know whether the love thing is right or not but people can love you and never tell you. ive seen girls do some petty sh*t so idk she might just have issues lol

This makes me feel much better and I do agree some girls can be nasty and they indeed have been in the past; many have been like this since high school and some women take me as a threat to their relationship even when there is none!. I have decided to maintain thick skin and give 0 reaction knowing he himself is a bit girl-ish and likes to isolate people when he feels threatened and this may be how she knew my profile (i.e. through him) but god knows. I will know more with due time and will update.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #241 on: October 02, 2017, 11:03:39 PM »
Tried to read with her over the weekend. I had a hard time trying to connect. She was kind enough to send me three minutes. I finally connected with her last night. I also write down my question and copy and paste. she ended chat and sent me two emails:

Seriously, if you can't even be bothered to give a greeting in the beginning of a session with a human being on the other end, then I can't read for you. I'm not a robot. It's a human being on the other end. Not a magic 8-ball. There is NO excuse for being that rude.

It's not strange, I cut you off because you didn't bother to aknowledge another human being on the other end. I said hi and asked if I sent you mins, and you just launched into your question with no courtesy.

Seriously its my dime...

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #242 on: October 02, 2017, 11:39:46 PM »
Tried to read with her over the weekend. I had a hard time trying to connect. She was kind enough to send me three minutes. I finally connected with her last night. I also write down my question and copy and paste. she ended chat and sent me two emails:

Seriously, if you can't even be bothered to give a greeting in the beginning of a session with a human being on the other end, then I can't read for you. I'm not a robot. It's a human being on the other end. Not a magic 8-ball. There is NO excuse for being that rude.

It's not strange, I cut you off because you didn't bother to aknowledge another human being on the other end. I said hi and asked if I sent you mins, and you just launched into your question with no courtesy.

Seriously its my dime...

I totally agree with what you are saying, but I've learned to greet the reader even though it can be a pain because we are being charged per minute. It takes up so much time IMO. I even pretype out the greeting as well so it seems like I'm interested in how they are doing. Readers can be snippy as crap and act like it's all about them and because they control the psychicness, you will get dropped. It's ridiculous, but what can we do?

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #243 on: October 02, 2017, 11:51:13 PM »
Her loss. Not mine....

Offline njlady

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #244 on: October 03, 2017, 01:46:11 AM »
Her loss. Not mine....

Would "Hi Zadalia!" before your question really have encroached on your reading time?

Being paid for a service doesn't mean you forfeit all expectations of basic civility and manners from the people you provide your services to.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #245 on: October 03, 2017, 02:21:42 AM »
Oh Please. Zadalia acted like she called her a bitch and condemned her to hell or something.
Zadalia could have said again...I said hello? Some people get so bent out of shape with people not saying hello. Does it really crush your spirit if I don't say hello?


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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #246 on: October 03, 2017, 02:26:08 AM »
Her loss. Not mine....

Would "Hi Zadalia!" before your question really have encroached on your reading time?

Being paid for a service doesn't mean you forfeit all expectations of basic civility and manners from the people you provide your services to.

I agree with this. It’s just disrespectful. Imagine someone just coming into your house and not even acknowledging your presence. It’s just basic manners.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #247 on: October 03, 2017, 05:46:48 AM »
Hello, I'm a paying customer... and its my dime... I don't waste time saying hello. Never had a problem with anyone else. That's what i'm paying her for is to read answer my questions. Not have a chat. 

Offline candy1

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #248 on: October 03, 2017, 09:51:10 PM »
It's common courtesy really, I know it may feel a bit extreme because we do pay for the service but if someone is nice enough to send you free minutes saying hello cost you nothing.

Exactly!!  (Wish there was a like button)  Not to mention, it's just basic common decency.  A hello literally takes what... 1-2 seconds to type.. and if you are copying and pasting..  how hard is it to type out "hello Zadalia - this is so and so and here is my question" copy paste.. not issue...

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #249 on: October 03, 2017, 11:29:00 PM »
seriously I'm a customer and the customer is always right. Never had a problem with anyone else.  She didn't want to read with me and it was an excuse. No one turns down money because someone didn't say hello.
Im calling to ask questions. Really, I don't know her or her me.  Not saying hello is not rude.
Personally I wouldn't block someone because they didn't say hello. As I said I had a problem getting through to her. I feel she switched off over the weekend when I tried to contact.
As I said her loss not mine.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #250 on: October 04, 2017, 12:18:55 AM »
seriously I'm a customer and the customer is always right. Never had a problem with anyone else.  She didn't want to read with me and it was an excuse. No one turns down money because someone didn't say hello.
Im calling to ask questions. Really, I don't know her or her me.  Not saying hello is not rude.
Personally I wouldn't block someone because they didn't say hello. As I said I had a problem getting through to her. I feel she switched off over the weekend when I tried to contact.
As I said her loss not mine.

Thought I'd weigh in on this one...

IMO, any business person has the right to refuse service to someone they consider rude, unkind, etc. Whether they own a cafe, work as a masseuse, are a high-priced consultant... we all get to set our boundaries and expect to be treated in a way we feel is courteous. So to simply say that because you are paying she should read with you on your terms... sorry but I disagree.

Just to be clear, I am not saying I think you were excessively rude, and maybe Z was having a bad day or has had a string of calls where the caller wanted to launch right in without a hello... but I do feel that she has the right to set her expectations of courtesy. In my experience Zadalia is one of the kinder and more ethical readers so I can empathize with her if she's getting a lot of calls where people expect her to launch in without any personal niceties. If she's trying to genuinely help people, it must be disheartening to not make a personal connection with those people.

If anything, I feel that this is a fault of the pay-per-minute system. When I see psychics in person, they often chit chat for a while at the start of a reading, but they also don't include this in the overall reading time. Maybe Z's 3 free minutes allows her to ease into a reading in a way that works for her. of course it's also your prerogative to not ever call her again -- which it sounds like you are fine with.

Offline HopefulHeart

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #251 on: October 04, 2017, 12:52:38 AM »
Sorry but... I have to disagree too. The customer is not always right. I understand where you are coming from with your stance that it is your money. but really it does only take 2 seconds to add on a hello. In any business, one would hope to be treated with basic common courtesy. If I am at work and receive a call, once I pickup and say hello, I certainly wouldn't expect a client to instantly just say "I need you to tell me about XYZ". (In fact, it would put me off as well!) I would hope they would at least say "Hi Hopeful, this is [Name]." before jumping into a question or request. It sounds silly and stupid, but a little common courtesy goes a long way.

I understand that you're paying for the time, and that every second counts, but whether on chat or phone, a quick hello is by no means going to make that big of a difference, especially if you already have a copy/paste question scripted and ready to go. Her response may seem extreme, but all she is asking for is to be treated like a person. She will say hello and ask if you've gotten the free minutes she has sent because she will send free minutes to make sure that she connects first so that she does not waste your time (which is why a lot of the time she will end the chat first, send you the mins, and once you get back in she asks if you have received them. Or from what I've heard from others if you email her first she sends them and then makes sure that you got them.) She's being decent and polite making sure she isn't wasting your time with those free minutes, and in return is just asking for common decency, that really isn't costing you a dime.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 01:06:54 AM by HopefulHeart »

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #252 on: October 04, 2017, 01:48:18 AM »
then all that should be explained on her page. It wasn't.... By not saying hello to someone is not rude. If I was at a business and Hung up the phone because someone was rude to me, I'd be sacked. She was the one that was rude... Who the bloody hell does she think she is.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #253 on: October 04, 2017, 01:50:21 AM »
I believe she was having a bad day. Saying hello or not should not make/break a call.
I detest small talk for the most part and when I worked customer service, I valued people who wanted to get down to the nitty gritty.

I never felt that I was being treated like less than a person when someone didn't say hello to me, but hey that's me. I've read with Z and liked her, but she really should learn to value her customers better IMO.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Zadalia
« Reply #254 on: October 04, 2017, 01:52:13 AM »
She even states she doesn't waste people times.   I'm done arguing over it.
Straight-forward, accurate answers, provided with care and understanding. I do not waste your valuable time. / Taking some calls tomorrow and rest of the week - get on arrange a call xo

