I've read with her twice this month, after a gap from my first reading in late January. Her timing was off in the first reading by about a month but so was most readers'. She was very consistent with longer-term predictions so I can't speak to those yet. But the near-future? She rocks! If you ask a specific question, like "How will it go when I" do xyz, she will nail it and get the next week to come to a T. On Sunday, she warned me that I would see movement and activity from POI early in the week, then he would peter out due to exhaustion from dealing with something else, nothing to do with me so don't worry. Bam! She said he'd pick up with me again and that happened today.
She also got more equal effort being put in, and that has started. I'm very pleased with her. In the very near future, she's roughly as accurate as Friend Sue, who I also wanted to speak with but she's been out of town.