Now that the event has happened, Kara was massively wrong about the conversation, its content, and how it would affect me. I mean, she was dead wrong. What she told me was negative, and the exact opposite happened. She told me I would be frustrated and have to maintain strength - wrong. I'm not at all frustrated and certainly not upset. I'm thrilled.
In my second reading, she did get that he would be happy and relieved to hear from me, and told me the circumstances of why he would act weird at first, which made me change timing. So the second one was a little better but she still maintained the negativity about the conversation itself when it was anything but negative. To the contrary, he drew me closer and opened up emotionally. We did some bonding. So yeah, I don't think I'll be using her again. In fact I wish I could get my money back. At least this was one of those times where if they're gonna be wrong, better to have a negative prediction proved false.