Excellent, and thank you, Ladya. That is reassuring. I double-checked Lotus' timing and she's actually a bit sooner than Kathryn. Kathryn did say POI and I are soul-mates, lol, while adding that we all have a lot of them. Maybe but he's the only male romantic interest of mine who is. Can I ask what sort of predictions she has been correct about?
She got things moving fast for us in April, with another event I'm anticipating having already occurred, thank God (in direct contradiction of another reader who gave me a very weird outlook). Communication picking up in two weeks and not bad in March. Her advice was all wrong though, typical stuff that doesn't work with my POI. Plus she had some misassumptions about the present mixed in the advice. I wish all of them would stick to psychic info. I'm well past the age of needing "get your man" advice.