Author Topic: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"  (Read 8277 times)

Offline sunshineluv7

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"One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« on: January 01, 2017, 07:47:23 PM »
Hey all :)

Anyone recognize this phrase? It's actually from the 12-step programs. Listen, I know there are a few of us who want to stop the madness in our lives and regain control over when we are confused, etc. I know that there at one time WAS a psychic online support group for "quitters" and that some claim it's still around, but for the life of me I can't find it, and I know at least one other person has had a tough time finding it too.

So! I'm going to start an online 12-step group, not sure on what the name would be, maybe Psychic Callers Anonymous. The idea is we would hold "meetings" online maybe by google hangout or something, and we'd work the same 12 steps as other addiction recovery programs.

Ultimately, it's all about spiritual growth and self-inventory, placing faith in something greater than ourselves to helps us overcome this maladaptive behavior pattern - which is essentially what this "addiction" is. From what I've seen, despite draining bank accounts or rising credit card balances, most people don't stop calling unless: 1) They find their "happily ever after" by luck or circumstance, or 2) They find out the POI they have been calling about is in a new relationship or married.

So, here's the google group I've started to get it kicked off:!forum/psychic-callers-anon  for those who are interested in joining. The first action item is really to determine what a good meeting time is. I figure we'll meet by phone conference.

I also made a website so this becomes searchable for those that seek to find it over time:

Finally I think one thing that will be important to the success of this ..project, is people (senior members!) who are willing to serve as "speakers" and tell their stories - how the addiction started, how it affected their lifes, and how they overcame it/what life is like now.

Also, sponsors! Meaning, people who have at least 6 months "clean" and are willing to buddy up and be there for someone when they need individual support to help them "work the steps".

Now, I'm not that familiar with 12 step programs, but I do know they work. So, if anyone has experience in this area, please get in touch!

Let's go on this adventure together! I feel like this really could help people a lot and maybe help change lives. For all the people that find this forum and speak up, imagine how many more either don't go through the reg process or don't want to post publicly!

Offline Baypark1

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2017, 09:37:48 PM »
Fantastic idea.  Im joining!

Offline copperhead

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2017, 01:52:45 AM »
Hey all :)

Now, I'm not that familiar with 12 step programs, but I do know they work. So, if anyone has experience in this area, please get in touch!

Actually, they do not work so well. There's a lot of research and literature on the failure of the 12-steps program, google.

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2017, 02:00:27 AM »
Hey all :)

Now, I'm not that familiar with 12 step programs, but I do know they work. So, if anyone has experience in this area, please get in touch!

Actually, they do not work so well. There's a lot of research and literature on the failure of the 12-steps program, google.

It works if you want it to.  Like anything.  I know quite a few people in my life that 12 step saved them.  It is all how you look at it, what you want...what works for you.  As you said doesn't work for every one, but it does work for those that accept it. And want it.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2017, 04:49:47 AM »
Hey all :)

Now, I'm not that familiar with 12 step programs, but I do know they work. So, if anyone has experience in this area, please get in touch!

Actually, they do not work so well. There's a lot of research and literature on the failure of the 12-steps program, google.

It works if you want it to.  Like anything.  I know quite a few people in my life that 12 step saved them.  It is all how you look at it, what you want...what works for you.  As you said doesn't work for every one, but it does work for those that accept it. And want it.

It works if you work it :)  An AA slogan.  I know for a fact it works.  I was sober for 20 years through the AA program. Then went out when I got a divorce and thought I had matured enough that maybe I wasn't an alcoholic anymore.  Plus, I stopped going to meetings for about 7 years at that point.  I stayed out for about 6 years and have been sober again for 2 years.  In order for them to work, you MUST admit and accept that you have a problem and want to get help.  If you don't do that first step, it won't work.  Bottom line. 

Offline copperhead

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2017, 04:53:59 AM »
Hey all :)

Now, I'm not that familiar with 12 step programs, but I do know they work. So, if anyone has experience in this area, please get in touch!

Actually, they do not work so well. There's a lot of research and literature on the failure of the 12-steps program, google.

It works if you want it to.  Like anything.  I know quite a few people in my life that 12 step saved them.  It is all how you look at it, what you want...what works for you.  As you said doesn't work for every one, but it does work for those that accept it. And want it.

It works if you work it :)  An AA slogan.  I know for a fact it works.  I was sober for 20 years through the AA program. Then went out when I got a divorce and thought I had matured enough that maybe I wasn't an alcoholic anymore.  Plus, I stopped going to meetings for about 7 years at that point.  I stayed out for about 6 years and have been sober again for 2 years.  In order for them to work, you MUST admit and accept that you have a problem and want to get help.  If you don't do that first step, it won't work.  Bottom line.

What I wanted to say it's that it's not the only nor the best method to fight addiction. It has got so big that it has obscured the fact that actually their success rate is not so high. Glad for those that worked. But there are other ways too. There's now some respectable research on this topic.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2017, 05:00:47 AM »
Hey all :)

Now, I'm not that familiar with 12 step programs, but I do know they work. So, if anyone has experience in this area, please get in touch!

Actually, they do not work so well. There's a lot of research and literature on the failure of the 12-steps program, google.

It works if you want it to.  Like anything.  I know quite a few people in my life that 12 step saved them.  It is all how you look at it, what you want...what works for you.  As you said doesn't work for every one, but it does work for those that accept it. And want it.

It works if you work it :)  An AA slogan.  I know for a fact it works.  I was sober for 20 years through the AA program. Then went out when I got a divorce and thought I had matured enough that maybe I wasn't an alcoholic anymore.  Plus, I stopped going to meetings for about 7 years at that point.  I stayed out for about 6 years and have been sober again for 2 years.  In order for them to work, you MUST admit and accept that you have a problem and want to get help.  If you don't do that first step, it won't work.  Bottom line.

What I wanted to say it's that it's not the only nor the best method to fight addiction. It has got so big that it has obscured the fact that actually their success rate is not so high. Glad for those that worked. But there are other ways too. There's now some respectable research on this topic.

I'm sure there are many other ways to overcome addiction, but what I like personally about the 12 steps is the fact you take a pretty in depth look within.  Plus the sponsor/accountability part is SO important because you have someone to support you when you are at your weakest.  Like right now, I really feel like calling.  No real reason why I want to, I just do.  So, having someone to call would be awesome. 

If you have alternative ways, please share!

Offline copperhead

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2017, 05:14:30 AM »

I'm sure there are many other ways to overcome addiction, but what I like personally about the 12 steps is the fact you take a pretty in depth look within.  Plus the sponsor/accountability part is SO important because you have someone to support you when you are at your weakest.  Like right now, I really feel like calling.  No real reason why I want to, I just do.  So, having someone to call would be awesome. 

If you have alternative ways, please share!

Therapy, counseling, mindfulness. Everything that will help build a strong ego. The 12 steps don't do that.
Google, "why the 12 steps don't work", or similar. You'll find a lot on why the program is actually not so good, and better alternatives. -

Offline Baypark1

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2017, 05:29:56 AM »

I'm sure there are many other ways to overcome addiction, but what I like personally about the 12 steps is the fact you take a pretty in depth look within.  Plus the sponsor/accountability part is SO important because you have someone to support you when you are at your weakest.  Like right now, I really feel like calling.  No real reason why I want to, I just do.  So, having someone to call would be awesome. 

If you have alternative ways, please share!

Therapy, counseling, mindfulness. Everything that will help build a strong ego. The 12 steps don't do that.
Google, "why the 12 steps don't work", or similar. You'll find a lot on why the program is actually not so good, and better alternatives. -

I've been through therapy, counseling and have done a ton of mindfulness and internal emotional work. Unless you have an addiction and have been through the 12 steps and can say it didn't work for you, then maybe therapy and counseling is the way for you.  I've also been through grief counseling due to tbe.loss of my daughter and I can tell you first hand, therapt didn't work nearly as well as finding a person on a forum that I  could talk to daily who was in the same place as I was.  There is something very powerful in helping each other,  accountability and supporting each other. Weekly therapy appointments are great, but overcoming addiction is a daily, sometimes hourly issue. The 12 steps have worked for thousands of people since the 1930's. The ONLY reason it doesn't work is if you aren't working it.  I know from personal experience.

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2017, 06:17:53 PM »
Exactly this:

"There is something very powerful in helping each other,  accountability and supporting each other. Weekly therapy appointments are great, but overcoming addiction is a daily, sometimes hourly issue. The 12 steps have worked for thousands of people since the 1930's. The ONLY reason it doesn't work is if you aren't working it.  I know from personal experience."

That is why 12-step based programs work. And it's not so much about the 12 steps, as it is about the topics you discuss within those meetings, the companionship, how shame is finally undone by being with people who truly understand your struggle. The topics in the meetings are usually spin-offs or related to the 12 steps but are tools that help you approach life and grow in general. Support groups are really just a most structured group therapy.

I can say for me, counseling, mindfulness, all those tools have NOT worked as far as calling psychics.

Offline HopefulHeart

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2017, 06:27:00 PM »
Its almost funny how as I find a quote I want to share, I find this thread at the same time! Many kudos to those taking this journey. I've completely stopped calling and don't even have the desire to call. I was already growing tired of calling a few months back and had dwindled to only a few but I had my last in early December and I am keeping it that way.  Yes, I have seen a few predictions come to pass and things are moving as once was foretold to me, but for me its mainly just the gut-sick feeling of how much I spent.

But on the same hand I need to stop beating myself up over it, as do all of you! Guilting ourselves and beating ourselves up over something is not the way to get results. But taking the right steps, whatever that may be for you, to get past the calling addiction is.

Anway, Im getting off topic; I had a fortune out of a fortune cookie not too long ago, and I thought I had thrown it out but I just came across it while cleaning. Perhaps it was meant to be found and shared! Anyway it says "The future is the most expensive luxary in the world". Well aint that the truth!!! lol

Ive made a New Year's resolution (that actually started last month) to make no more calls, just focus on life and go with the flow, live for me and get that debt paid down. I have a goal that by the end of this year my debt will be nearly if not completely Gone. I am going to stick around on this board, update here and there, give helpful words and encouragement as well but I wont be posting as much. But I do wish you all luck on your journey! :)

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2017, 07:42:40 PM »
Hopeful - If you want to join as a speaker or to help encourage others to stop, we'd love to have you. :)

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2017, 02:02:52 AM »
Yeah that works too! I didn't know what would be easier for people, or how people would feel more supported. We'd also need to start researching chat platforms. We can certainly try it out, or do one meeting of one and one of the other type, etc. See what works the best for people! It's a group project :)

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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2017, 07:21:49 PM »
I like to think of 12 step programs as the weight watchers of addiction management. It doesn't work for most people, but the program works for some and the principles are generally safe. 


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Re: "One (reading) is too much - one thousand is not enough!"
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2017, 08:49:45 PM »
I am interested in joining.

