Author Topic: Arlene (from Ellen's crew)  (Read 6633 times)

Offline cocoapple

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Arlene (from Ellen's crew)
« on: May 31, 2011, 04:21:22 PM »
Hey guys, yesterday i was on blogtalkradio and was able to get a reading from Arlene about my situation with my boy.  I think some of you have read with her before i'm not too sure but i would like to share my experience.  Ellen didn't read me on air because she's read me before and so has Catarina but Catarina threw in some advices at the end which is nice.  Anyhoo, Arlene with her cards tells me that this 'love affair' is not over and that he is coming back in June.  Didn't elaborate on when in June but she emphasize a second break up for good....possibly at the end of this year or Fall even as this new dude, tall, dark hair dark eyes will show up who's older and financially stable and is ready for commitment. 

The first part about him coming back coincided with the my regular CPs...'beginning of June, June 1st, first 10 days' is their answer so we shall see~~~!!

Today, we finally have awesome weather....with humidity it's 34 Celsius!!! Bring on the tank and short shorts day~

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Arlene (from Ellen's crew)
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2011, 04:39:44 PM »
coco - I have read with Arlene. I know she likes to keep a low profile so I haven't said much but she is one of the most accurate readers for me ever. One suggestion would be to read with her again after you get back together with him in June because things could shift a bit. But again, I would wait until there is more contact. That's just based on my personal experience.
tomorrow is June


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Re: Arlene (from Ellen's crew)
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2011, 04:47:24 PM »
but remember coco you can determine whether or not you want to break up again or stay together for the longterm when yall do get back together. Just because a psychic sees a break up in the future doesnt mean it has to be she is warning you good luck sweetie!

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Arlene (from Ellen's crew)
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2011, 05:02:06 PM »
Yes positive, tomorrow is JUNE~~!!!  The moment of all truth LOL......

I feel that Arlene wouldn't BS like most of the CPs we all read with.  I have been listening to their show too and how they conduct the readings and they do say as it is.  Ellen may not be right for me but since she read me, my reading went straight to Arlene and she did her thing and boy oh boy i love hearing those tarot cards shuffling!  When and if we do get back together, i shall report back to you all and yes, thank you for the suggestion PT, i will read with her again and see if things change.  Who knows, maybe he will do a 180 and turn into the perfect one for me but then that goes both ways.  Sammiepoo, i'm not too worry about the break up part later because that can be we shall see~

Are you guys having awesome weather down there as well??


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Re: Arlene (from Ellen's crew)
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2011, 05:03:55 PM »
It is very warm and I am loving it :) Good luck with it  8)


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Re: Arlene (from Ellen's crew)
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2011, 07:31:13 PM »
I am trying to google Arlene but have no luck finding her.Does anyone knows how to get hold of her other than through her radio show?

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Arlene (from Ellen's crew)
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2011, 08:15:15 PM »
Light, welcome to the forum  :)

Email Ellen and she will hook you up with Arlene.  You can find ellen's email address online but that's how you usually find her.  I read with her on her radio show before.  Them ladies are really nice...but they were not right for me.  Good luck!


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Re: Arlene (from Ellen's crew)
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2011, 10:01:22 PM »
I am sorry to here that they were not right for personal experience tells me that we already know the truth in our heart but have to find the right one to confirm it.I had a situation where every reader would tell me that it would work out even the lady that I knew for over 10 years but it didn't.So no one is ever 100% right.I am sure that ellen was more focused on over all picture and not on day to day changes that can result in any ones life.So I hope that your true outcome remains the same even though getting to that might be not as easy.Also from my own personal experience when a reader gives a positive outcome they really don't know the exact details of how we will get there or the difficulties we will face before we even get to that point.Good luck !

