Author Topic: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?  (Read 14717 times)


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1)How long do you read for to get a  good, accurate reading?
2)Do you explain the situation beforehand or how do you go about asking them questions?

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2016, 04:03:24 AM »
I will usually talk for 15-20. Depends on the platform though, call vs. chat. I can't hang up on calls because I feel like a jerk. It also depends on the reader, some people are very cut and dry and others will go on and on and are chatty cathy's.

Basically, if I don't feel like they are completely off base, I ask all the questions I have - which usually takes 15-20 minutes.


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2016, 04:59:19 AM »
Start off short. If they haven't wowed you within 2 minutes, then end the call. Don't tell them anything. Beware of using a reader more than once and starting to leak them info.

My local reader did that to me a long time ago. She was the most inconsistent reader I ever dealt with so I stopped going to her.


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2016, 05:01:12 AM »
I will usually talk for 15-20. Depends on the platform though, call vs. chat. I can't hang up on calls because I feel like a jerk. It also depends on the reader, some people are very cut and dry and others will go on and on and are chatty cathy's.

Basically, if I don't feel like they are completely off base, I ask all the questions I have - which usually takes 15-20 minutes.

Yeah, I feel like 15-20 minutes is good.

No, you should cut them off and not feel bad lol. It isn't fair to you if they are going off topic or if they are being very off. They are intentionally or unintentionally eating your minutes. I had one start giving me advice and I just hung up on her. She was also a chatty cathy and it was wasting my minutes.


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2016, 05:04:07 AM »
Call length depends on the price, the psychic, and the reason why I called.

When I ask a question, I try to be fair by giving some details in the form of a specific question. I don't want to play test the psychic, but I don't want to give enough info that encourages them to immediately make judgements either.

Rather than asking, "How does Bob feel about me?" I'll say something like, "There's someone I've been dating for the past few months. I don't get to see him as much as I want to because of his work schedule. Can you get a sense of how he feels about me, where things are headed, and if we'll spend more time together?"

If there is one thing I've learned over the years it's to not go into great detail. Say Bob was married and seeing me on the side. Either I'd get disapproval wrapped in stern advice and no answers to my questions or I'd get the story of the time the reader dated a married man and what happened with them.

Oh wow, thank you! that was detailed. And yeah, I have been guilty of asking how so and so has been feeling about me without giving them much details. And yes, I too have had readers tell me their own experiences and it is so annoying!


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2016, 05:05:56 AM »
I don't give that much even. I only ever ask "what do you see happening with ___ and me?"

Were they accurate?


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2016, 06:13:11 AM »
I don't give that much even. I only ever ask "what do you see happening with ___ and me?"
This is pretty much what I ask as well. only a couple readers were accurate.


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2016, 07:32:59 PM »
Yes, most of the good ones have actually been pretty darn accurate with present. I trust them more because I gave them nothing to go off of. And he isn't an ex, and not one person has tried to say he was.

If you don't mind me asking who were they? The poi in question isn't an ex for me either and only Jeremiah, Judi and another reader knew this


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2016, 12:32:36 AM »
There were several who picked up on him and what he's going through, but these were the readers who were able to discuss it in detail, others could summarize and see big picture and I still really liked reading with, but they weren't quite as in depth (these include Kisha, Karma Warrior, Lady Persephone, QoC18 (wasn't good for me though). These I felt I could ask as many questions I wanted of and they would have the answer, more conversational:

Divine Light Readings by Val
I think Lady Jenna would have fallen into this category if I could have spoken to her on the phone vs chat. She was probably the best chat experience I had, a lot of detail in little time. Fast typist. Would love to have a phone call.
Miss Marla, Marie Anna, and Miss Elisabeth were pretty good too.

Can't speak to outcome predictions yet.

O Valley is good because she knew the man was attached but I am sorry but divine light readings was terrible. She gave her opinion more than anything and couldn't read the situation well.


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2016, 01:30:07 AM »
Abarnes-how was divine's timelines for you? she switched it up on me three times -_-


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2016, 03:05:55 AM »
Good luck! What is the timeframe? One thing that I like about her is that she doesn't really have ego and she is kind. I think it is the reason why I kept going back to her lol.


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2016, 04:06:11 AM »
She gave me 3 and 4 too and felt like it could be weeks and was adamant that it would be in Dec. Sadly, it did not come to pass. When I called weeks later with money on her dime, she changed the timeframe (she didn't remember that she read with me before) and said March for a business trip but was thinking about contact in Jan. When I called her again she said Jan because March was too far away  ::) ::) ::) ::)

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2016, 04:00:11 PM »
Forgot to answer on giving background. I don't at first, I just usually start with "what do you see happening in my love life" and then if they ask if there is a specific person I'll answer. So I give very very little info. If they start to prod in the wrong direction (one person asked if it was a new relationship, way off) I cut things off.

If they start to say things that resonate/ are on target I'll reveal more about the situation, because i think it's fair - they are clearly tuning in well and sometimes more info helps them understand what they are getting, or clarify more, because the majority of readers I speak to still don't really understand half of what they get, they kind of just trust that it's accurate and pass it on to you, without really knowing if it is or isn't. Because of that, they really do appreciate when they do get feedback on being right or wrong, because it helps them know they are doing the right thing in their lives by giving readings AND the best ones also grow in their amazement at God/the information being passed to them. :)

Re: Timing. Ugh. I hate/love timing. I love it when it's right... I'm amazed every single time. But when it's wrong, which it always has been for me for a very long time now (lol), I'm bummed out and then want to check to see if something's changed. It's a slippery slope. That's why two current top readers/trusted readers at least both don't do timing. It helps me stay in the present.'s better not to know, just trust that it'll happen when it's meant to. Then you are kind of forced to live your life regardless. Some readers do get timing but won't share for this specific reason.


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2016, 05:37:50 PM »
That's a bummer :( I have tried to completely let go of timing, and I'm trying to let go of waiting for him. Even suecreate said she thought we would be together but that I should "move on" and see other guys to get rid of the waiting energy.
Call me crazy but I really believe that that "waiting energy" can delay things or flat out prevent them from happening. Reason being you're no longer living your life to the fullest


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Re: How long do you guys read for and how much info do you give them?
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2016, 06:02:36 AM »
Forgot to answer on giving background. I don't at first, I just usually start with "what do you see happening in my love life" and then if they ask if there is a specific person I'll answer. So I give very very little info. If they start to prod in the wrong direction (one person asked if it was a new relationship, way off) I cut things off.

If they start to say things that resonate/ are on target I'll reveal more about the situation, because i think it's fair - they are clearly tuning in well and sometimes more info helps them understand what they are getting, or clarify more, because the majority of readers I speak to still don't really understand half of what they get, they kind of just trust that it's accurate and pass it on to you, without really knowing if it is or isn't. Because of that, they really do appreciate when they do get feedback on being right or wrong, because it helps them know they are doing the right thing in their lives by giving readings AND the best ones also grow in their amazement at God/the information being passed to them. :)

Re: Timing. Ugh. I hate/love timing. I love it when it's right... I'm amazed every single time. But when it's wrong, which it always has been for me for a very long time now (lol), I'm bummed out and then want to check to see if something's changed. It's a slippery slope. That's why two current top readers/trusted readers at least both don't do timing. It helps me stay in the present.'s better not to know, just trust that it'll happen when it's meant to. Then you are kind of forced to live your life regardless. Some readers do get timing but won't share for this specific reason.

If you don't mind sharing who are the readers who refuse to give them out? And I agree-I wish I could have never asked for timing because when it didn't happen, I would just be devastated and assumed the reading was off. I now learned that the timing is just something most of them suck at lol.