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New Hulu show about psychic scam artists
Guys. Binge watch Shut Eye. They go into detail on psychic Gypsy scam organizations and how psychics prey on people's pain to make money. It might help snap you back into reality.i do believe some believe people have ability but most are doing a less dramatized version of this.
Watching it now!
--- Quote from: moonlight412 on February 21, 2017, 01:39:17 AM ---Watching it now!
--- End quote ---
how is it ?
It's okay.. I was expecting more real life stories, I am a huge reality tv binge watcher--hgtv, food network, tru tv, hoarders.. you get the idea! Lol.. So I was expecting it to be on the same line, dramatized sure but real people.. but it's a drama which goes in to how the psychic thing is a network and operated by a mafia in LA area..
You don't need a show...just read these posts....LOL
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