Tarotbypenelope is having a weekend sale of $30 for all live readings, unlimited time. I am going to buy one although I had one a month ago and she said I would be looking at 2 possible jobs in Jan. I didn't believe it since I've been out of work for so long that even one job sounded impossible but guess what. I have 2 meetings for work next week, both of them are 3ed and final meetings and I believe they'll be offers so....she was right.
She also very accurately picked up on why my ex had disappeared. I was able to confirm her reason and she was right. It was something she couldn't have guessed and is very specific to what he is going through.
Only she and Yona got that right, yona also said the exact same thing. I have found tarotbypenelope to be a good option for picking up on more specifics of yona's readings and to confirm the bigger picture of things she sees. Only two readers I will read with from now on.