Hi! I just wanted to say that with my reading with Aries Intuition she did nailed contact based on her number "5" which ended up being 5 weeks after my reading with her. She even said during the reading "I see contact with the number 5. It could be five days or 5 weeks but I feel more like 5 weeks." I had a similar experience with Sincerity, but I found the "date" given by Aries to be more practical to remember. Also, Amanda from California Psychics gave me a number 3 for contac, which turned out to be also the number of weeks after our reading. However, her "date" for work related news and even for the type of news itself was way off and way too positive compared to what really happen.
I also know how disappointing it can be to anxiously await for dates and then to see that nothing remotely close to what was predicted even happens. In the last few weeks, I decided to distance myself from the person I had been asking about (after he came back into the picture and wanted to reconnect) since I realized I deserve better, way better. I have been putting my energy into finishing graduate school, renovating my house and learning to love myself all over again ( I really let myself go this year). Its been tough but I'm hopeful I can do it.