Author Topic: NONE of their contact predictions were correct. None.  (Read 10939 times)


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NONE of their contact predictions were correct. None.
« on: December 03, 2016, 06:11:26 AM »
I get that timing can really be hard to nail, but I tried these "psychics" after reading their reviews and even asking customer representatives who were the best at contact timing. I hate to say it but with the exception of a few, MAJORITY of them were guessing. Unlike some posters, I didn't call and explain the situation. I asked if contact were to happen and if yes, then when? Off the bat most of these people assumed that perhaps the person in question and I got into an argument but none of them realized communication between the person and I had not happened in months. I also think they assumed that the person in question hasn't spoken to me in a week or more  ::) I called them between the middle of October and mid-to-late November. I shut down my CP account as well. The customer rep was a sweetheart and told me that she had tried almost 30 psychics and only connected with one. BTW, this person is not an ex lover or anything like that but the situation is complicated.

1. Nevada: She said October flashed twice to her via clairvoyance. She at first said 8-10 days and then said most likely it won't happen. Then said 4 days after. Never happened.
2. Jeremiah: GREAT psychic but contact off. Said Nov. 1
3.Abrielle: WORST offender. She actually told me she is good at timing. Said 5-10 days and Dec 1. No. Then told me he really loved me and she saw marriage in the future. LOL, really?! Gave me a few other dates that also didn't come true.
4.Tajah: Customer rep recommended her. Said Nov 2-3 nope. Face to face contact around Thanksgiving. Nope.
5Kallista:6-10 days. No.

1. Drusilla Customer rep HIGHLY recommended her. I know she is going to be incorrect because she said,"yes, I think he will contact you." REALLY? you think or know? Said Dec 14 and Dec 21-24. I called her towards middle and late November.
2.Abigail Great empath. Said 1 and 8 for contact and 5 and 6 for face to face connection.
3.Celeste Customer rep told me to ask her for timing as she is good at it. She straight up told me she is bad at it and said didn't think contact would be in Nov or Dec.
3.Abrielle Dec 12. 99% of her other ones were wrong. I doubt it.
4. from the website ASKNOW.COM. Medium Jozette I called her in early October. She said contact would be in holidays as in December, maybe New Years, most likely holidays, but face to face contact would be in Spring and Summer. She is the most realistic and sensible one so far.


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Re: NONE of their contact predictions were correct. None.
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2017, 10:08:12 PM »
Update-Abigails timeline is pending but Celeste ended up being the only one who was right.Said no contact in Dec or Nov.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: NONE of their contact predictions were correct. None.
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2018, 10:27:26 PM »
I just tried Celeste, it was the strangest thing, in describing how my POI was feeling, I realized that she was telling me how I was feeling, not him.  The thing that gave it away was "he's not sure if your good enough for him"  LOL! Nope he's the one who is not really good enough for me and ANYONE could see that by looking at us, in fact it's why I call psychics instead of talking to friends. Reading back over my notes, everything was exactly the way I was feeling/thinking.
Has anyone ever had this experience before?  Of course she said it's because he's my twin flame and we feel the same (I call BS, if he felt the same as me we would not be in the situation)

Offline maroonlight

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Re: NONE of their contact predictions were correct. None.
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2018, 02:55:18 AM »
I just tried Celeste, it was the strangest thing, in describing how my POI was feeling, I realized that she was telling me how I was feeling, not him.  The thing that gave it away was "he's not sure if your good enough for him"  LOL! Nope he's the one who is not really good enough for me and ANYONE could see that by looking at us, in fact it's why I call psychics instead of talking to friends. Reading back over my notes, everything was exactly the way I was feeling/thinking.
Has anyone ever had this experience before?  Of course she said it's because he's my twin flame and we feel the same (I call BS, if he felt the same as me we would not be in the situation)

Yeah when they give you the twin flame/soulmate speech, that is a huge red flag as they will say that regardless of who you are calling about in my experience.