Author Topic: Update  (Read 9505 times)

Offline Baypark1

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« on: October 31, 2016, 04:36:50 AM »
I've been reading with Divine Light by Val, Saaqi and Angelic Dreams lately.  I've backed off on the others but have had some here and there.

All of them have said communication is going to pick up with a few saying he's been thinking about me alot the last week.  Well, yesterday he posted a picture of he and woman.  I freaked but for some reason my gut was telling me it was nothing.   Today I found out they have been seeing each other for a few weeks.  I think it's strange that he's posting a picture of someone he just started dating in addition to his mother commenting in a way like she knows her.  It's impossible that he's been dating her for longer than 2-3 weeks.   I know this for a fact.  As a matter of fact, he wasn't even friends with her on facebook until yesterday after he posted the picture. 

This is the guy that told me he wasn't emotionally ready for a relationship and/or dating but we had a  strong connection and there's no way he could deny it. 

So, I talked to Saaqi and Val today to let them know.  Saaqi was shocked.   She was apologetic for not seeing the connection and when I started asking questions, she said that maybe she shouldn't do the reading anymore because she missed this.  We did end up talking and she said that it's quite possible she didn't see it because it's very superficial and basically he's just going with it and that they aren't compatible.  (they don't look compatible to be honest)  She said as far as timing she gave me, that it's so hard to give exact timing but she does still see the outcome as what she originally predicted and she was adamant that this guy still has deep feelings for me. 

Val on the other hand, was dumbfounded.  First she thought I was talking about this other woman, a friend of his, who recently caused drama.  She started reading she and him and said she's jealous and it wouldn't work out.  Then when I corrected her, she started talking about how they are going to be short lived yet in the next breath she said they could go into a full relationship.  She flip flopped, stumbled, contradicted herself and literally was grasping at straws.  I was very disappointed.

Angelic Dream, I talked to yesterday and she said it was not a GF.  I messaged her today. She too was surprised.  But she was concerned that I was doubting her reading and was adamant that what she saw in her cards was the truth and that this was not a GF and she still saw him connecting with me.  I told her I wasn't doubting the reading because things change and I know that.  We then got into books that maybe I could read etc.  I'll talk to her maybe tomorrow.   

I did talk to someone last night completely at random because I was so upset.  Her name is Keaij.  I asked her if she saw anything in me that is blocking me from having relationships and the fact that I keep attracting men that are not available but yet we connect and then they find another woman.   She immediately picked up on a man that could have been a  relationship or business that was creating alot of negativity.  I asked her if it was my asshole ex finance and she confirmed it.  I actually knew that!  I asked her why I attract these kind of men and she explained it in such a way that I understood because she nailed me to a T.  I called her back today and about the new woman and she said this lady is low maintenance and just something to do until he IS ready because he's truly not ready for a commitment and is just in that wanting to have a good time phase.  This made sense because he is damaged and was in a 4 year relationship pretty much right after his 13 years marriage. 

I unfriended him last night. I just couldn't continue to see his facebook.  I texted him today and told him how happy I was for him and that he has overcome his relationship "barriers" and deserves a good woman.  (barf)  I then lied and told him I saw that he unfriended me and he texted back saying he never unfriended me and checked facebook and we were still friends (I don't know how because we are not) but he instant messaged me to show me he hadn't unfriended me and texted me again to reassure me.  LOL  Yeah, I'm going to play games with this guy.  He thanked me for the text and said he was just looking for happiness.  WHATEVER. 

I don't know what the hell he is doing.  I do know he was/is screwed up from his last relationship.  It's only been 4 months.  Things don't match up with this new woman though.  How many of you know men (in their late 40's)  that post pictures of their new GF's they've been seeing only for a few weeks?  Who tells their mother (that lives in another state) about a new GF that he's only known for a few weeks?  Initially, the readers thought this lady was an old friend and Angelic Dreams actually said "new or rekindled" friendship.  It just doesn't add up. 

Every reader I have spoken to says this guy has feelings for me and he was coming back.  The three I talked to today all said the reason he is OK with dating this other lady is because there is no connection or emotions but with me, he knows it would be a "real" relationship of which that he is not ready for. 

It's very disheartening to hear that he's coming back only to find out he's dating someone else, even if it is just casual.  I guess it's better that she get the casual bullcrap and not me.  I won't put up with it.  I could have but I wouldn't. But then there's the evil thoughts that tell you there is something wrong with YOU.  Angelic Dream is the only one that said "I don't give my opinions in readings because that's not why you're calling but you may want to rethink someone that doesn't take you the first time right out of the gate, you're worth more than that, even though he will be coming back". 

I do believe these readers saw what they saw.  I do believe he will come back.  I believe that he needs to go through whatever wild oats he needs to sow or play with others before he realizes that I'm the only one for him, however, I don't know that I will still be here.  I'm really going to start working more on WHY attract these kind of men and change whatever I need to change.  This is the 3rd guy that this is happened with.  So, even though I have spent a fortune on readings, I found a few that have helped me see what I need to change emotionally, so for that, I am thankful. 
I will say Angelic Dreams is my favorite.  She truly speaks positive into you and if you're open to it, will give you suggestions (and books) to help you evolve spiritually and emotionally.  I don't know what is going to happen in the future with this guy, and right now, I don't care.  I'm just going to focus on me and see what that brings :)  What a concept!  Sorry for the long post.


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Re: Update
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 09:57:29 AM »
men aren't that complicated. if he truly likes you enough, he will be with you. if he's not with you now, he is not that into you right now. sure, that could change in the future. but right now, if you're not getting what you want from this guy, he isn't into you and it's best to move on. talking to readers about him and trying to figure out his problem is pointless. move on. find better. be happy. you deserve so so so much better. he's having fun doing whatever the hell he wants, nothing thinking about how things affect you. he's not worth your energy, at least not right now.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 09:59:43 AM by stargazer »

Offline glamgal

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Re: Update
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2016, 12:02:22 PM »
Geez Baypark I am so sorry. Stuff like this hurts especially when you have been told otherwise. Perhaps this will be short lived and the readings will come true after all.

The incident with Val is not shocking. She has never picked up on the third party around my guy either and she WILL flip flop and grasp for straws. Psychics tend to claim that when they don't pick up on third parties the connection is not there-energy wise. I have a list of readers who have without me telling them. I have read with Keaj and nothing she said has happened in the time frames given and she changes time frames. But I am glad she worked for you. Please update.  :) :-*
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 12:03:53 PM by glamgal »

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Update
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2016, 01:16:14 PM »
Is this the same guy that you had posted a while back that was dating someone else and you were gonna move on? 

If so, I say move forward in your life, and if he comes back, decide then what you want to do and see how you feel at that point.  It doesn't sound like he's ready to give you what you need and deserve and as hard as it is (I'm going thru it too!), moving forward is the only thing to do at this point.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Update
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2016, 02:13:38 PM »
@Blubelle - yes this is the same guy, but I found out he was not actually dating anyone

@Stargazer - you are so right! I think talking to readers prevents us from moving on.  They all gave me false hope, at least for now.  It stinks but it's been put right in front of my face.  No psychic can do that :)

Offline FaithnTrust

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Re: Update
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2016, 03:16:27 PM »
Please go with what reality tells you...NOT these readers.


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Re: Update
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2016, 04:53:57 PM »
@Stargazer - you are so right! I think talking to readers prevents us from moving on.  They all gave me false hope, at least for now.  It stinks but it's been put right in front of my face.  No psychic can do that :)
I really wish you the best. It makes my heart sink reading about psychics who didn't pick up on a third party 😞💔. Even if the energy between them isn't strong or significant, it still hurts. Sending you good vibes 🙂

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Update
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2016, 05:16:35 PM »
I think you did the rite thing dropping him on fb... Because this stuff is major ouch as is seeing it. It's gonna hurt. Maybe don't give him the satisfaction of messing with him... ya know what i mean? Freakin hate that "not ready to be in a relationship " line when it's b.s.. Happens to most of us-  there's nothing wrong with you at all. Also, it's not cool for a reader to insist they are 100% correct, because obviously they are liable to be wrong. True, she might be an old friend, but sad point is that he's not letting you know. Gonna be ok :(

They really didn't say they were 100%, they just stood by their reading and said the outcome will happen.  Time frame is so hard to predict.  For some reason I'm not all bent out of shape because they were wrong in the moment, because I believe this didn't happen for  a reason.  I know this guy is truly screwed up from his past relationship and he's not ready for a deep relationship. I could have easily gone with the flow and been that casual FWB person I couldn't do it.  That was my choice.  There is also a friend of his, who I knew wanted more than being friends, who messaged me 2 weeks ago telling me their relationship was not imaginary and sent me pictures etc.  He hasn't talked to her in over a month.  I'm thinking he might have put the picture up of he and the woman to show her he's taken?  I don't know. It would be easier just to block the psycho but then maybe he's afraid of more drama.  Regardless, he isn't communicating that with me. 

I'm moving on and letting go for now.  I"m not upset, disappointed yes, but things will be fine. 

Offline Bella

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Re: Update
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2016, 12:24:48 AM »
men aren't that complicated. if he truly likes you enough, he will be with you. if he's not with you now, he is not that into you right now. sure, that could change in the future. but right now, if you're not getting what you want from this guy, he isn't into you and it's best to move on. talking to readers about him and trying to figure out his problem is pointless. move on. find better. be happy. you deserve so so so much better. he's having fun doing whatever the hell he wants, nothing thinking about how things affect you. he's not worth your energy, at least not right now.

I agree wholeheartedly...if they want to be with you they will. No excuses...we call to make ourselves feel better, nothing more. An addiction. The proof and the truth is in their actions, or inactions. We see it, but cannot deal, so we call psychics to hear a bunch of bullshit.  Let me tell you. If they could see the future?!?!? The REAL future!?!  Do you really think they'd be on keen?  Or out there making millions? Hey, not judging, I have been there, and still struggling at times.  My heartgoes out to you. I know what is is like to call only to find out he's with someone else....and In my case they're still together two years later,  LIVING together...but he loved me, and was to contact two days, next week, oh, you are goi g to get engaged, three months, next month...oh one guy I spent a few months calling over is actually married to the girl he left me for. Yep!!! Can't deny facts. They do not know the future or what anyone will ever do.  Please please keep reading older posts.....the truth is here...not in what the psychics are telling you.  It's hard, it really is...I know.  And if one psychic or maybe two give a negative? They're more than likely right. It's just we get hooked on the many that give us exactly what we want to hear...please keep reading back. Go on the member board, click on soo many previous member from years NOTHING in the grand scheme of things ever happened for their future. Oh maybe a contact here and there, or some other irrevelant prediction happened.  But nothing,nothing to what their heart was calling about.  This is a slippery and dangerous slope we are walking on, calling psychics for our lives. 
Oh I know I sound dramatic, but just think of all the anxiety calling and having timeline after timeline pass with nothing.  I know it at one time caused me tremendous anxiety. Oh helped me sleep at night, but then when weeks went by and nothing happened? Oh My God, I would call again, and get the same he loved me....only to find out different....

Please when you call. Realize they don't know shit. They are telling you what you want to hear. Nothing more. Oh maybe the now, but believe it or not, we are more similar than you think...what one tells you and resonates so much, will probably resonate with 500 other people...truth. Pm me and I will gladly share some of the stuff I was told, about three relationships....that did not pan out, and by their accounts. I should have been married three times by now.  Silly me.

 Whomever you are calling about? Their actions will tell the truth.  Just live. Live like you did before you discovered psychics.  It's hard, but you can do it!!!
I am  so sorry for what you are going through. I know it hurts. I am sorry.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Update
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2016, 12:43:59 AM »
You know, I could very well be wrong, but this could end up being a rebound relationship, Baypark. Especially with the ex still being around.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Update
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2016, 12:57:36 AM »
men aren't that complicated. if he truly likes you enough, he will be with you. if he's not with you now, he is not that into you right now. sure, that could change in the future. but right now, if you're not getting what you want from this guy, he isn't into you and it's best to move on. talking to readers about him and trying to figure out his problem is pointless. move on. find better. be happy. you deserve so so so much better. he's having fun doing whatever the hell he wants, nothing thinking about how things affect you. he's not worth your energy, at least not right now.

I agree wholeheartedly...if they want to be with you they will. No excuses...we call to make ourselves feel better, nothing more. An addiction. The proof and the truth is in their actions, or inactions. We see it, but cannot deal, so we call psychics to hear a bunch of bullshit.  Let me tell you. If they could see the future?!?!? The REAL future!?!  Do you really think they'd be on keen?  Or out there making millions? Hey, not judging, I have been there, and still struggling at times.  My heartgoes out to you. I know what is is like to call only to find out he's with someone else....and In my case they're still together two years later,  LIVING together...but he loved me, and was to contact two days, next week, oh, you are goi g to get engaged, three months, next month...oh one guy I spent a few months calling over is actually married to the girl he left me for. Yep!!! Can't deny facts. They do not know the future or what anyone will ever do.  Please please keep reading older posts.....the truth is here...not in what the psychics are telling you.  It's hard, it really is...I know.  And if one psychic or maybe two give a negative? They're more than likely right. It's just we get hooked on the many that give us exactly what we want to hear...please keep reading back. Go on the member board, click on soo many previous member from years NOTHING in the grand scheme of things ever happened for their future. Oh maybe a contact here and there, or some other irrevelant prediction happened.  But nothing,nothing to what their heart was calling about.  This is a slippery and dangerous slope we are walking on, calling psychics for our lives. 
Oh I know I sound dramatic, but just think of all the anxiety calling and having timeline after timeline pass with nothing.  I know it at one time caused me tremendous anxiety. Oh helped me sleep at night, but then when weeks went by and nothing happened? Oh My God, I would call again, and get the same he loved me....only to find out different....

Please when you call. Realize they don't know shit. They are telling you what you want to hear. Nothing more. Oh maybe the now, but believe it or not, we are more similar than you think...what one tells you and resonates so much, will probably resonate with 500 other people...truth. Pm me and I will gladly share some of the stuff I was told, about three relationships....that did not pan out, and by their accounts. I should have been married three times by now.  Silly me.

 Whomever you are calling about? Their actions will tell the truth.  Just live. Live like you did before you discovered psychics.  It's hard, but you can do it!!!
I am  so sorry for what you are going through. I know it hurts. I am sorry.

I agree wholeheartedly with this..I've been there's been rough.  The guy has given me a little something but not enough to keep me hanging on the way I was....  where any any readers accurate with you?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 01:01:11 AM by bluebelle »

Offline glamgal

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Re: Update
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2016, 02:09:43 AM »
Bella, that story resonated with me. thanks.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Update
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2016, 03:40:43 AM »
You know, I could very well be wrong, but this could end up being a rebound relationship, Baypark. Especially with the ex still being around.

You mean ME as the rebound or the new girl?  As for me, I don't think so.  We were really great friends and moved into benefits for a little while, but I couldn't do it.  He wasn't ready to give more so we stopped.  As for the new girl, quite possible.  His last relationship was a nightmare though.  A bi-polar, drinker and sometime druggie that went off on crazy episodes for 4 years. 

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Update
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2016, 03:53:13 AM »
men aren't that complicated. if he truly likes you enough, he will be with you. if he's not with you now, he is not that into you right now. sure, that could change in the future. but right now, if you're not getting what you want from this guy, he isn't into you and it's best to move on. talking to readers about him and trying to figure out his problem is pointless. move on. find better. be happy. you deserve so so so much better. he's having fun doing whatever the hell he wants, nothing thinking about how things affect you. he's not worth your energy, at least not right now.

I agree wholeheartedly...if they want to be with you they will. No excuses...we call to make ourselves feel better, nothing more. An addiction. The proof and the truth is in their actions, or inactions. We see it, but cannot deal, so we call psychics to hear a bunch of bullshit.  Let me tell you. If they could see the future?!?!? The REAL future!?!  Do you really think they'd be on keen?  Or out there making millions? Hey, not judging, I have been there, and still struggling at times.  My heartgoes out to you. I know what is is like to call only to find out he's with someone else....and In my case they're still together two years later,  LIVING together...but he loved me, and was to contact two days, next week, oh, you are goi g to get engaged, three months, next month...oh one guy I spent a few months calling over is actually married to the girl he left me for. Yep!!! Can't deny facts. They do not know the future or what anyone will ever do.  Please please keep reading older posts.....the truth is here...not in what the psychics are telling you.  It's hard, it really is...I know.  And if one psychic or maybe two give a negative? They're more than likely right. It's just we get hooked on the many that give us exactly what we want to hear...please keep reading back. Go on the member board, click on soo many previous member from years NOTHING in the grand scheme of things ever happened for their future. Oh maybe a contact here and there, or some other irrevelant prediction happened.  But nothing,nothing to what their heart was calling about.  This is a slippery and dangerous slope we are walking on, calling psychics for our lives. 
Oh I know I sound dramatic, but just think of all the anxiety calling and having timeline after timeline pass with nothing.  I know it at one time caused me tremendous anxiety. Oh helped me sleep at night, but then when weeks went by and nothing happened? Oh My God, I would call again, and get the same he loved me....only to find out different....

Please when you call. Realize they don't know shit. They are telling you what you want to hear. Nothing more. Oh maybe the now, but believe it or not, we are more similar than you think...what one tells you and resonates so much, will probably resonate with 500 other people...truth. Pm me and I will gladly share some of the stuff I was told, about three relationships....that did not pan out, and by their accounts. I should have been married three times by now.  Silly me.

 Whomever you are calling about? Their actions will tell the truth.  Just live. Live like you did before you discovered psychics.  It's hard, but you can do it!!!
I am  so sorry for what you are going through. I know it hurts. I am sorry.

What you say is SO true however, I will say, the first time I started calling psychics on a guy 4 years ago, said he has feelings, he's not happy with the current GF, he'll be know, all the same bullcrap we hear.  BUT, he DID come back and we were in a relationship for 2 years.  He turned out to be the most evil human being, a wolf dressed in sheeps clothing and took me for a LOT of money in addition to killing me spiritually and emotionally.  2 years later, I'm still recovering.    Of course, all the psychics are RIGHT on that one!  lol Why  couldn't they have been wrong??  :)   They were also right the 2nd time he came back. He DID come back but we weren't in a love relationship. He lived with me for a while in my guest room and my eyes were opened big time with this guy. 

I do believe that constantly calling for updates to hear what we want to hear or hope to hear, keeps us from living our lives. I know it does me.  But it's a vicious cycle and an addiction.  It's a hard one to break.

Strangely enough, I have a peace about this.  Don't ask me why.  Maybe because I've accepted the fact that he may not be back,...or maybe he will.  Who knows. But whatever happens, it will be the right thing.

I did talk to Angelic Dreams today.  She truly is amazing.  I just love her.  She didn't say why she didn't pick the woman up but I didn't ask either.  I do believe sometimes, if there isn't a strong connection or love/like with the 3rd party, they won't pick it up.  If it's insignificant they won't be able to read them.  UNLESS you ask specifically.  Anyway, Michelle sees this is a karmic thing, something that he/she needs.  She thinks the woman is still married or separated, which I haven't been able to snoop enough to find anything on divorce with she and her husband, so she may be right.  She said he will be back and even gave me some contact times, but I don't care at this point, honestly.  She also saw someone else coming in when I asked and then said I would probably have the choice.  Great.  :)   

I think the key is to let it go.  Yes, you can call psychics, but to get hung up on the readings and continually calling prevents you from living your life as you should and I think it does alter the outcome.  But again, it's so hard NOT to do. 

I'll keep everyone posted if anything happens or changes. 

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Update
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2016, 03:56:17 AM »
You know, I could very well be wrong, but this could end up being a rebound relationship, Baypark. Especially with the ex still being around.

You mean ME as the rebound or the new girl?  As for me, I don't think so.  We were really great friends and moved into benefits for a little while, but I couldn't do it.  He wasn't ready to give more so we stopped.  As for the new girl, quite possible.  His last relationship was a nightmare though.  A bi-polar, drinker and sometime druggie that went off on crazy episodes for 4 years.

Yeah I meant the new girl could end up being a rebound.