I've been reading with Divine Light by Val, Saaqi and Angelic Dreams lately. I've backed off on the others but have had some here and there.
All of them have said communication is going to pick up with a few saying he's been thinking about me alot the last week. Well, yesterday he posted a picture of he and woman. I freaked but for some reason my gut was telling me it was nothing. Today I found out they have been seeing each other for a few weeks. I think it's strange that he's posting a picture of someone he just started dating in addition to his mother commenting in a way like she knows her. It's impossible that he's been dating her for longer than 2-3 weeks. I know this for a fact. As a matter of fact, he wasn't even friends with her on facebook until yesterday after he posted the picture.
This is the guy that told me he wasn't emotionally ready for a relationship and/or dating but we had a strong connection and there's no way he could deny it.
So, I talked to Saaqi and Val today to let them know. Saaqi was shocked. She was apologetic for not seeing the connection and when I started asking questions, she said that maybe she shouldn't do the reading anymore because she missed this. We did end up talking and she said that it's quite possible she didn't see it because it's very superficial and basically he's just going with it and that they aren't compatible. (they don't look compatible to be honest) She said as far as timing she gave me, that it's so hard to give exact timing but she does still see the outcome as what she originally predicted and she was adamant that this guy still has deep feelings for me.
Val on the other hand, was dumbfounded. First she thought I was talking about this other woman, a friend of his, who recently caused drama. She started reading she and him and said she's jealous and it wouldn't work out. Then when I corrected her, she started talking about how they are going to be short lived yet in the next breath she said they could go into a full relationship. She flip flopped, stumbled, contradicted herself and literally was grasping at straws. I was very disappointed.
Angelic Dream, I talked to yesterday and she said it was not a GF. I messaged her today. She too was surprised. But she was concerned that I was doubting her reading and was adamant that what she saw in her cards was the truth and that this was not a GF and she still saw him connecting with me. I told her I wasn't doubting the reading because things change and I know that. We then got into books that maybe I could read etc. I'll talk to her maybe tomorrow.
I did talk to someone last night completely at random because I was so upset. Her name is Keaij. I asked her if she saw anything in me that is blocking me from having relationships and the fact that I keep attracting men that are not available but yet we connect and then they find another woman. She immediately picked up on a man that could have been a relationship or business that was creating alot of negativity. I asked her if it was my asshole ex finance and she confirmed it. I actually knew that! I asked her why I attract these kind of men and she explained it in such a way that I understood because she nailed me to a T. I called her back today and about the new woman and she said this lady is low maintenance and just something to do until he IS ready because he's truly not ready for a commitment and is just in that wanting to have a good time phase. This made sense because he is damaged and was in a 4 year relationship pretty much right after his 13 years marriage.
I unfriended him last night. I just couldn't continue to see his facebook. I texted him today and told him how happy I was for him and that he has overcome his relationship "barriers" and deserves a good woman. (barf) I then lied and told him I saw that he unfriended me and he texted back saying he never unfriended me and checked facebook and we were still friends (I don't know how because we are not) but he instant messaged me to show me he hadn't unfriended me and texted me again to reassure me. LOL Yeah, I'm going to play games with this guy. He thanked me for the text and said he was just looking for happiness. WHATEVER.
I don't know what the hell he is doing. I do know he was/is screwed up from his last relationship. It's only been 4 months. Things don't match up with this new woman though. How many of you know men (in their late 40's) that post pictures of their new GF's they've been seeing only for a few weeks? Who tells their mother (that lives in another state) about a new GF that he's only known for a few weeks? Initially, the readers thought this lady was an old friend and Angelic Dreams actually said "new or rekindled" friendship. It just doesn't add up.
Every reader I have spoken to says this guy has feelings for me and he was coming back. The three I talked to today all said the reason he is OK with dating this other lady is because there is no connection or emotions but with me, he knows it would be a "real" relationship of which that he is not ready for.
It's very disheartening to hear that he's coming back only to find out he's dating someone else, even if it is just casual. I guess it's better that she get the casual bullcrap and not me. I won't put up with it. I could have but I wouldn't. But then there's the evil thoughts that tell you there is something wrong with YOU. Angelic Dream is the only one that said "I don't give my opinions in readings because that's not why you're calling but you may want to rethink someone that doesn't take you the first time right out of the gate, you're worth more than that, even though he will be coming back".
I do believe these readers saw what they saw. I do believe he will come back. I believe that he needs to go through whatever wild oats he needs to sow or play with others before he realizes that I'm the only one for him, however, I don't know that I will still be here. I'm really going to start working more on WHY attract these kind of men and change whatever I need to change. This is the 3rd guy that this is happened with. So, even though I have spent a fortune on readings, I found a few that have helped me see what I need to change emotionally, so for that, I am thankful.
I will say Angelic Dreams is my favorite. She truly speaks positive into you and if you're open to it, will give you suggestions (and books) to help you evolve spiritually and emotionally. I don't know what is going to happen in the future with this guy, and right now, I don't care. I'm just going to focus on me and see what that brings

What a concept! Sorry for the long post.