Author Topic: I am not a Guru  (Read 4624 times)

Offline bagalagaa88

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I am not a Guru
« on: October 16, 2016, 05:01:32 AM »
My story is pretty confusing and long and I would hate to bore people with the details. I dated S for just under two years. We had always been long distance (living in different towns) and then eventually I pursued graduate studies in the U.K for a year. Come to when I decided to pursue my dream at the time he broke up with me and took a summer job 8 hours away. A few hours later he said he regretted his decision and loved me and couldn't let me go. So we got back together, come to August 2015 he had hesitations but I talked him out of it. Being overseas was hard but he surprised me and saved up money to visit me in Ocotober 2015 and I did the same for him a few weeks later. We broke up in December 2015. I was crushed. I loved him so much and he went off to try to replace me and got burned. This is when I stared calling psychics. Basically everyone gave a positive outcome, but for many their timing was off. I would say Abrielle was a few days off, but another home town psychic nailed it and gave so many validations. We got back together early Jan 2016, he basically begged me to give him another chance, of course I would I loved him. Come to April 2016, when he was just getting into his masters and getting overwhelmed he tried to break up again, right before my assignments were due. We talked it out but in May 2016 he did the same thing asking for "space". Again I called psychics and all the timing was off, but outcomes right. I'd say Maureen was most correct and Judis inner light. But I was the one to convince him this time. We made it work until July 2016 where I caught him lying about something and he just shut down and broke up with me saying he couldn't balance both school and me. Shortly after I found out I was pregnant and when I told him he was so hurtful and unsupportive. Eventually he apologized but going through an abortion together his support wavers. Some days he's so nice and other days so cold. Found out he's sleeping with another girl and hanging out with her when all I asked was for him to be there for me. I know he's doing it to get over me, the abortion and stress from school. I was so hurt when I found out. I spent months calling psychics and the one to nail him was Lady Persephone, Judi, SIN got some events right, and AstroSarah.
I realize I changed the timeline of it's still going to happen. I chose to reach out to him because I wanted closure. He gave me a bunch of reasons I feel are bullsjit like "I never loved you""I was never happy with you and now I am" "I never saw a future with you or wanted kids" etc.  I was crushed. How could we love one another for two years and he pull that crap? I was so depressed. I just wanted him back and to love him and be loved by him.

Don't get me wrong, it's a quick summary of all the negative events. But I know he loved me and cared about me. He'd drive crazy distances just to see me for a short time or drive through snow storms to take me to the hospital and made me feel beautiful. But he had his insecurities and doubts

Today I talked to a guy friend I met in the UK. To be honest we hung out once, but I always felt he was someone who would be special. Turns out he was. He liked a comment on my Facebook page so I reached out to ask how he was doing and we got to talking. I eventually opened up about my depression and how I was struggling so bad with the break up and abortion and how I wanted to make him happy and hoped he would come back. He told me to watch Tony Robbins: I am not a Guru. It f'ing changed my life.

I'm over this. Why am I pining over someone who left me because he was scared, overwhelmed and insecure?Someone who left me when I needed him most.  Someone who took away my shine and made me feel like I did something g wrong to lose his love. Someone who thinks (told me himself) that he's sleeping with someone else because he has needs, it's nothing serious, and she helps to fill a void. F THAT. I'm over it. I'm not going to beg to get back someone who isn't happy with themselves and blames me for it. I'm going to let go. Whether he comes back or not at thing point, I am choosing to be happy with myself. I am choosing to pursue my path because I want to make a difference in the lives of people. I know what I want in life now and I always have. The film helped me realize that. He doesn't know what he wants in life or what makes him happy and it's pulled me down. I spent more time caring about him and how to make him happy that I never took a moment to think about what did I need to be happy. I choose to do me. I want him to be happy and if he needed my help to get there I would help but whether he comes back or not, it's not my loss. I'm choosing to be a winner tonight. At the end of the day I know I won't be the one having regrets. I'm not going to just be with someone to fill a void. I'm going to work on me and learning to love myself. When you can love yourself, you can love freely and know the love you are so deserving of.

Please watch the film ladies!!! It will change you and make you cry and hopefully give you your power back.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: I am not a Guru
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2016, 03:46:42 PM »
Great post. The lesson in all this is to let go. If it will be he will come back. If he doesn't then he doesn't. You are a beautiful, kind and caring human being and will meet someone that you can share your life with. Thanks for sharing. xxxx


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Re: I am not a Guru
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2016, 08:59:06 PM »
Thanks for the post bagalaagaa, I can relate to your post.My ex too said some very mean things to me and at that time I thought it was because he was hurt about me dating someone else but honestly after 4 years of taking his crap and being ride or die I dont think what he said was justifiable. So you are right why do we pin over someone who has left. My ex has left me three times all reasons he has listed were misunderstandings and thos things that could have been fixed if he communicated but instead he would disappear. So why am I pinning for someone who can say they will always love me but turn around one day and leave or a week later say that they dont love me anymore.

I am glad that you are able to realize that your ex has the problem and not you I defintely need start thinking the same because these situations can really effect a persons self worth.

I really do hope you find happiness.

Offline bagalagaa88

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Re: I am not a Guru
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2016, 12:12:25 AM »
Honestly, after watching the film I have found some happiness over night. Seriously, this film changed my life. I took so much out of it and i'm so grateful my friend (someone i've only hung out with once) recommended it to me. He reminded me you can't compare a dime to a nickel.
I looked in the mirror after the movie and for the first time genuinely smiled and saw the shine come back into my eyes and the fire that fuels my drive fill my soul again.
I refocused my attention and i'm know I am going to go places in life. I have a new appreciation for my life path and I know where I am going is where I was always meant to go. He on the other hand has no idea what he wants or is looking for and he doesn't want to grow up. You can't put your happiness in someone elses hands. I was guilty of that and I got hurt. Happiness starts with you. If you can't be happy on your own, NO ONE will make you happy.

Everyone says he will come back basically. SIN says he will be coming back in time and AstroSarah (who strongly hates him lol) but I may choose to walk. At first I was like never....but now I kind of see and I don't deserve to be treated the way he did. Judi says it would be a long break up because he's unfocused and doesn't have the capacity to give the emotional investment needed. Another Medium says he will reconnect but not go for a relationship but just keep in contact (which i'm not interested in to be honest) but that he's wishy washy so she doesn't really know what will happen after we contact if the energy will change. Lady Persephone said he would come back and she nailed all his issues. I got confirmation because I talked to him last week and he basically said the same thing lol. But no timelines of what to expect and she said I likely wouldn't want him back. I haven't done many readings to be honest. I'm kind of done with this. In the end I know I wont be the one with regrets. I got my closure talking to him and not hearing from him when I tried to get him involved in the abortion matter this weekend. He looks miserable. I saw a picture of him tonight at a hockey game with friends and for once I didn't really care. I can see in his eyes he's not happy and he's not willing to do anything to change that (besides sleeping with a FWB type person). I on the other hand have got my passion back for life. Good things happen to those that work for it. I can't wait to kick ass in nursing school and make a difference in this world. He on the other hand will continue to be unhappy if he refuses to acknowledge it and make a change. I will not be weighed down anymore.

Offline bagalagaa88

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Re: I am not a Guru
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2016, 12:15:03 AM »
Also funnily enough, he told me he had been creeping my Instagram and website. I knew it was him because my website shows me where people are directed from and let's be real, no one cares about me enough to check EVERYDAY. For someone who was so adamant to "move on" and hook up with a girl he just met and also got out a 2 year relationship, it's pretty ironic. Considering I was the one fighting to fix things and never really checking in on him and yet he broke up with me and still checks it 3 months later lol.

