Author Topic: final update  (Read 4333 times)

Offline sagitira

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final update
« on: October 16, 2016, 05:02:25 PM »
hi everyone
i haven't been on this site or any other psychic site for a long time and recently been contacted by a member asking about my experience and told me they read my story. i don't know who i praised back then (which psychic) and i don't even wanna read it but i feel responsibility towards my other fellow members to update you and make sure that people don't waste their hard earned money on people i might have recommended.

my story with psychics began around 2011 when i fell in love with a guy who was unavailable. i started calling them and at the beginning it was fun but as a lot of you know it can become very addictive thing. i spent thousands, literally thousands on this guy, asking psychics questions that NOONE in a good solid relationship shouldn't be asking - you just know. if you are in a good relationship you don't have to ask - Does he love me? will we be together? etc...the guy who loves you TELLS YOU HE DOES. he will do things for you that will show you that he is interested and he wants you in his life.

i am gutted it took me almost 7 years to realise this. i have followed psychics advise, stupidly waited for signs, miracles and other crap to suggest they are right. psychics could pick up current issues in my relationship - i've always wondered how they did it until later i started to realise i need to do something about myself. i started to learn about guys, emotionally unavailable people, read so many books and there it was - all, any psychics who will read a few books on a relationship will be able to tell you the dynamics of your relationship, how you may feel, what he is like etc. i read a few books and with some of them scenarios in the book were like - o my...this is my story, this is how i feel.

back to the point i'm trying to make - ALL PSYCHICS WERE WRONG..ALL OF THEM. LITERALLY NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS RIGHT. NADA...i can now look back and honestly say 7 years is enough for me to see that there is no such thing as a psychic. they are all scam. they might have the ability to feel your emotions i don't dispute that however NOONE CAN SEE FUTURE. nobody...

i have not had a reading since beginning of the year and i have not felt BETTER...i realised a few things:
1. i needed to learn how to deal with my problems and not run to psychcis only to hear it will all be ok - I CAN TELL MYSELF IT WILL BE OK
2. i needed to find a different way to calm myself - when you are anxcious and upset, sad or depressed we often reach to psychics and the feeling they give us when they tell us it's only temporary, he will come around, he's going thorugh hard times, he will contact you - and then you feel good after - it is addictive. i relied on this to keep me going. i was addicted and didn't trust my own judgement, my own intuition and what i see with my own eyes
3. if i need to call a psychic to ask if my guy loves me then i am with a wrong guy, simple
4. i decided to get to know me better, find out what i like, work on my insecurity issue - yes it is insecurity and lot of us would have that if we are not confident enough and respect ourselves to walk out after the guy disrespects us but willing to wait for years for some asshole - i needed to find out why i was so insecure
5. i decided i need to learn to love myself and focus on me.

please i urge all of you to think about why you have to call psychichs. if you are calling for fun then it's a better reason however if you totally rely on psychics to tell you he loves you then please work on your self love, confidence and self esteem. there is nothing more debilitating than having to wait years relying on something that "is supposed to happen" and discover you wasted best of your years waiting for some asshole who is not worth it.

i wanna make it clear. NO PSYCHIC WAS RIGHT, my outcome was not predicted by any psychic and my personal view on psychics is - THEY ARE ALL SCAM...this is my opinion only we are all entitled to our opinions.

this is my last post on this site. i am happiest i've ever been since i have not read with any psychic and it's been now 8 moths maybe more without a reading. i regret starting to have readings and if i could turn back time i would never ever spent a penny on any psychic, i would not even have it if it was given to me for free. they are damaging to your emotional wellbeing, self esteem and they indeed cause depression.

wish you all best of luck and hope we can all get some balls to kick assholes to the curb we are so worth MUCH MUCH MORE than waiting around for some idiots who couldn't care less.

here are some booksk that helped me:

1. Mr Unavailable & the Fallback Girl: The Definitive Guide to Understanding Emotionally Unavailable Men and the Women that Love Them by natalie lue
2. Getting Past Your Breakup: How to Turn a Devastating Loss into the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You Kindle Edition
by Susan J. Elliott
3. It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken: The Smart Girl's Breakup Buddy Paperback – 5 Jun 2006
by Greg Behrendt
4. Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious Mind C. James Jensen
5. Women Who Love Too Much: When You Keep Wishing and Hoping He'll ChangeApr by Robin Norwood
6. Why Do I Do That?: Psychological Defense Mechanisms and the Hidden Ways They Shape Our Lives

i read many more and realised i am way too good for some idiot who doesn't know how to get his act together :)
good luck everyone, all the best xxxx
please note i will not be coming back to read any responses or reply myself. i am over this phase of my life and i am happy i don't even have to think about wanting to have another reading.


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Re: final update
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2016, 08:50:55 PM »
Hi sagitira,

thank you so much for your post. I am on the brink of moving on and I am currently dating a new guy for a month npw and already he treats me better than my ex ever did but I still love my ex and I ama afraid this new guy is acting good because we are in the early stages. I have scheduled a reading with Yona , I noticed you said at that time she was accurate for you.  I read with her in Feburary and I felt she was inaccurate but thought of trying her again. Overall, you stated no psychic predicted the future, I am guessing that includes Yona?

Offline sagitira

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Re: final update
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2016, 10:03:08 PM »
yes it includes yona, she was correct on current however the bigger picture outcome wrong. found her most ethical out of all readers though, also most honest. but still wrong on lot of things.
hope this helps
once you stop readings you will realise that it's nice to live your life not knowing what's coming and you also start living in the now rather than dreaming about future that so called psychics predict you would have only to discover later that the truth is far from what was predicted and disappointment with everything that follows - really don't miss that. my life is now drama free i take things as they come and i also must say i feel happier, little things now make me smile yes i hope you will move on fast and start enjoying your life because you do deserve to be happy xxx