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Estrella UK
Great that is some good stuff to know. I appreciate your help with that since I'm still hunting for a good reader. I am difficult to read btw, so if you're easy - you'll have more successes with more readers than I. I just expect that at this point. I was going to ask, but forgot about recording the call and to see if she went over on time, was generous, etc, so you answered it in your other post.
I am assuming that I need to have a specific topic for her to focus on.
I've never picked numbers with any readers that I've read with or at least I don't recall that. I don't recall that even happening with Yona when I previously read with her.
I know people say to not call about the same subject but I still do because I know all readers pick up on different things, different tidbits that add up the whole. I find it enjoyable that everyone has a different perspective so I almost always go in for the cheapest reads. I contacted six to seven free readings from Tumblr about a specific teacher and paid for a few on fiverr/etsy for the same teacher and all were something different, but all of them resonated.
--- Quote from: ats1rk on August 30, 2017, 07:56:48 PM ---Youre not going to get any answers if you dont believe any of them anyways.
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This isn't necessarily true. I find that when I project that the reader won't pick up on anything or won't have any good insight, they do better than I expect (which is the outcome I seek).
Although it appears negative, opposite thoughts at least for me releases built up energy that I have about the call, like if I'm excited or whatever. If I go in excited like I did with Christina, more likely than not the call sucks for me.
--- Quote from: ats1rk on August 30, 2017, 08:03:57 PM ---
--- Quote from: Baypark1 on August 30, 2017, 07:44:11 PM ---
--- Quote from: ats1rk on August 30, 2017, 07:38:36 PM ---
--- Quote from: Baypark1 on August 30, 2017, 07:14:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: ats1rk on August 30, 2017, 07:06:23 PM ---
--- Quote from: Baypark1 on August 30, 2017, 07:05:14 PM ---I just looked at my notes from my last reading with her. She said I would be bumping into my POI in April, unexpectedly. I did run into him towards the end of April. She said he'd be embarrassed and uncomfortable. I'm not sure about that but he just said hi and continued talking to the person he was with. She said he wouldn't be with his GF in May but so far, he's still with her. She also said communication would be initiated by him the end of May. I guess we will see.
I wrote this back in May. Unfortunately, it's the predictions we want from readers and none of Estrella's have come to pass. He did break up with the GF in July so she was off. So, other than us bumping into each other, she has been wrong. Communication has never been initiated by him and it's August 30. So many readers have blown me away with their past and present insight and just nailing it. Very few have gotten anything for the future correct.
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Yes I have read this thread. Like I said, no idea about predictions, but if she's wrong then so is everyone else.
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It wouldn't be the first time every reader has been wrong. I have 2 previous situations where every reader was wrong except one or two. I don't understand it but it happens, unfortunately, a lot more frequently that we all would like. And I'm not being negative, I'm being realistic from experience.
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we all know, you dont need to keep repeating this on every thread everywhere. OBVIOUSLY sometimes they are wrong, we get it. It has happened before. That's terrible. But the rest of us are calling and finding out if they work for us. So far everything is moving along as predicted so I am not concerned. If it doesnt happen I wont be upset, as i said in my post, to avoid someone for the 800th time pointing this same thing out.
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I don't repeat on every single thread. SOMETIMES it doesn't happen, more like 90% of the time for whatever reason. Glad you have such amazing luck with people. Just curious though, if you are having such luck, why keep calling so many? I get calling many when things don't pan out, but in your case, I wouldnt see the need.
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dont just throw out random statistics, I get that your shit didnt happen and I also get that a lot of ppl on here have had it not happen, Ive read the majority of this board. I think the ones it doesnt happen to are the loudest and are the ones that stick around to make sure you know it didnt happen for them. I've seen a lot of successes, and every situation is different. Everyone reads with different readers. That's the point, to give reviews and find ones you like. I know some of the people who had it not happen read with ppl ive never heard of, so i stick to ones that ppl have reported more successes than fails on. 90% is ridiculous and coming from your very jaded very bitter perspective. You said on another thread you feel in your gut its not happening, well not all of us are you. Im also not interested in the bitter brigade coming out and screaming about how their shit didnt happen and its totally 90% or whatever. Spend some time really reading this board and take note of the ones who say it didnt, and watch how its the same loud people on all the threads, NOT hundreds of DIFFERENT people saying it, which is what it seems when you just scroll straight through.
Anyways, it'll happen or it wont, that's the perspective everyone needs to take. Work on yourself and let it go, do it for fun if it's fun for you. But no need to come out with arbitrary numbers and self righteousness because YOUR situation didnt work out in the past. People hear you, its everywhere, rate the readers and let it go.
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First off, I have a life so no, I won't be spending my time reading every single thread. Secondly, I give my experience. Period. Sorry that it doesn't fit into the bubble you think it should. Thirdly, 90% of the outcomes on this thread don't happen for one reason or another. I did NOT blame it on readers.
I seriously hate being on threads with you. If whatever is said doesnt agree with you then its a problem and the reprimanding starts. Im sure you'll respond to this as you always have to have the last word. Have a nice rest of the day. Glad things are working for you.
--- Quote from: ats1rk on August 30, 2017, 08:16:19 PM ---Who cares, stop talking to me then. We weren't talking about this thread you were talking about predictions in general as you always do. You insert yourself, if you don't want replies then don't
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I broke up with him actually. I also met someone so I don't care anymore. And no, no one predicted this new person.
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