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Estrella UK

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--- Quote from: Bostongirl on August 26, 2017, 02:29:39 PM ---Well that's what people were doing posting their experience with Estrella. Your the one that butted in saying everyone else doesn't know how to read.

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Exactly. If people shouldn't have to explain why they use a review site, they certainly shouldn’t have to explain a negative review for a reader that doesn’t work for them. I know I originally was going to try her, but what is this overriding need you and others have in defending a reader?

--- Quote from: Anoushka on August 26, 2017, 01:10:37 PM ---As soon as someone defends Estrella's gift, it's suddenly viewed as a set up.

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Yep..because there is not a NEED for it. You don’t feel the need to defend who you are, to prove anything or your actions, but you jump in to tell someone else their negative review is wrong and off base, or they must have been having some bad day bs. Is she a paid friend; do you know her personally; when you guys hang out, is it before/after you pay her?

Just talk about your experiences with her. Why knock someone else’s review because it doesn’t align with all the amazing positivity of yours?

I think its hysterical when people get all bent out of shape when people give negative reviews on someone that works for them. Seriously, how shouls they phrase the negative experience? "Well, i spent $50 and she was gloriously wrong but its ok because the money was well spent and I love when readers dont connect but act they do!" Whatever

Can't agree more Baypark.... Strange and bizarre.


--- Quote from: suzieQ on August 28, 2017, 07:16:09 AM ---
Then again I once logged into spreview and named my two favourite psychics one of which does give detailed predictions to be banned and accused of being him and nothing I said would convince them otherwise.  Which is why I won't name him on here.

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Do you think it was perhaps because you were the only one that received detailed predictions?

I just looked at my notes from my last reading with her.  She said I would be bumping into my POI in April, unexpectedly.  I did run into him towards the end of April.  She said he'd be embarrassed and uncomfortable.  I'm not sure about that but he just said hi and continued talking to the person he was with. She said he wouldn't be with his GF in May but so far, he's still with her.  She also said communication would be initiated by him the end of May.  I guess we will see.


I wrote this back in May.  Unfortunately, it's the predictions we want from readers and none of Estrella's have come to pass.  He did break up with the GF in July so she was off.  So, other than us bumping into each other, she has been wrong.   Communication has never been initiated by him and it's August 30.  So many readers have blown me away with their past and present insight and just nailing it.  Very few have gotten anything for the future correct. 


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