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Estrella UK

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--- Quote from: x on April 09, 2017, 06:02:03 PM ---From her good reviews, I believe it is possible that some of what she said will come true. She started the reading telling me some months to expect what I want, and those months are soon to come- they also line up with other readers. However, no idea why she felt it necessary to waste her time and mine with obviously made up stories that are even condescending due to silly assumptions that her stories explain my desires. I am not that gullible, stereo-typical, nor tacky. We all know dang well, that she is not the only reader to do such. It leaves me of course confused about other parts of the reading, and really is condescending. What self-serving, or otherwise, purpose does that b.s. serve?

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Thats interesting, from my reading with her everything looked very positive. I sort of get what you mean about how she seems to play into what she thinks you want. I made the mistake about asking her about sexual compatibility in my next relationship and she seemed to focus on the next person being great in bed etc...


--- Quote from: dagnytaggert27 on April 09, 2017, 07:48:56 PM ---Thats interesting, from my reading with her everything looked very positive. I sort of get what you mean about how she seems to play into what she thinks you want. I made the mistake about asking her about sexual compatibility in my next relationship and she seemed to focus on the next person being great in bed etc...

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Made me laugh out loud.

i didn't find her patronizing or condescending. i quite liked her but as time goes, she's proving to be very wrong. not one thing she said has come to pass which isn't all bad because one of her predictions was kind of negative and i'm glad it didn't happen. she was very sweet, however i won't be calling her again.

(i called re: work and relationship)


--- Quote from: technoblanket3 on May 13, 2017, 08:33:43 PM ---Predictions appear to be happening at a delayed time frame.

Basically something was supposed to happen (someone new coming into my life) and then things with POI were supposed to follow from that and I'd have to choose between them.

Got with the someone new so we'll see if the rest falls into place.

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interesting, thanks for updating. How long was the delay?

something that was supposed to happen for me in feb/mar still hasn't happened, neither has another prediction (re: work) that was due mar/apr.

I just looked at my notes from my last reading with her.  She said I would be bumping into my POI in April, unexpectedly.  I did run into him towards the end of April.  She said he'd be embarrassed and uncomfortable.  I'm not sure about that but he just said hi and continued talking to the person he was with. She said he wouldn't be with his GF in Mag but so far, he's still with her.  She also said communication would be initiated by him the end of May.  I guess we will see.


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