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Estrella UK

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--- Quote from: stargazer on April 09, 2017, 12:28:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: Epic08 on April 09, 2017, 12:25:11 AM ---When I read with Estrella I really liked her but sadly nothing has come to pass. Maybe it's a timing issue. I do have one prediction in May so I'll report back

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yeah I liked her too. She nailed a lot of things going on at the time. Not one of her predictions have happened though :(

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I know that she's been good for others so I won't completely write her off but maybe she didn't connect with us. I know that a lot of what she said won't happen now that a few months have passed.


--- Quote from: x on April 09, 2017, 02:12:19 PM ---She told me I would have two marriage proposals before the year is out. To me that's creepy, that a guy would suggest i promise the rest of my life when we haven't even been solid for a year. Oh, and also, the next guy will be a tall, very athletic, bronze skin guy, who is a snappy dresser for work- puke.

What is really odd, is that somewhere I read a lot of rave reviews about her that basically put her in the Yona category. Think it was on SPS- wtf? Out $60. Scammed. Will let you know if any of it comes true.

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Some of these predictions are weird! I had a reader tell me that I will get new love towards the of March.. the only thing I got was a random strange a little creepy guy following me on street and asking for my number.. I should have gotten more warning about this new love!


--- Quote from: x on April 09, 2017, 02:12:19 PM ---Oh, and also, the next guy will be a tall, very athletic, bronze skin guy, who is a snappy dresser for work- puke.

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lol she also told me I'd meet someone similar to this description, in July! not interested, totally happy with my man.


--- Quote from: stargazer on April 09, 2017, 03:43:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: x on April 09, 2017, 02:12:19 PM ---Oh, and also, the next guy will be a tall, very athletic, bronze skin guy, who is a snappy dresser for work- puke.

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lol she also told me I'd meet someone similar to this description, in July! not interested, totally happy with my man.

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--- Quote from: x on April 09, 2017, 06:02:03 PM ---From her good reviews, I believe it is possible that some of what she said will come true. She started the reading telling me some months to expect what I want, and those months are soon to come- they also line up with other readers. However, no idea why she felt it necessary to waste her time and mine with obviously made up stories that are even condescending due to silly assumptions that her stories explain my desires. I am not that gullible, stereo-typical, nor tacky. We all know dang well, that she is not the only reader to do such. It leaves me of course confused about other parts of the reading, and really is condescending. What self-serving, or otherwise, purpose does that b.s. serve?

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Shit. Condesending really? She was on my list to try, but I certainly don't need that crap. TY for the heads up.


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