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Purple Ocean App

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Has anyone tried this psychic video app?
I stumbled upon it last summer and I've gotten some readings throughout the year that came to pass.

Anyone else on here have any reviews?

I've tried Advisor Beth- has been completely spot on for me on 4 different occasions. She completely reads the heck out of a situation, and her predictions have come to pass each time.

Advisor Nina-  she does tarot, and has been spot on on my situation.

I have pending predictions with both of the above and will update when they come true,p.

Those are my favorites, others are hit or miss, but for the most part what they've predicted has come to pass. Mostly about my significant other and I.

Did you read about relationships?

Has anyone else tried purple ocean ?


--- Quote from: stargazer on December 21, 2016, 06:39:31 PM ---Has anyone else tried purple ocean ?

--- End quote ---

I actually have. The people i tried are

Psychic tillie. I like her she got my ex's personality sorta right but she shifted contact times and such. Idk if she can read emotions very well but she has told me similar things that other psychics from other sources have said. She's a tarot, energy and aura reader. I lik her bc she actually has a psychic store so i guess i know she isnt a fake? But she did predict that i would run into my ex and i did. But we didn't resolve anything like she said we would.

Mystical raven- pretty young. Told me things that psychic also told me. My first reading with her she busted our the twinflame stuff. I do believe my ex and I are spiritually connected but her timing for contact has also been off.

Raven star- I would love to trust her but the reading was a bit true and generic. So idk. Supposedly my ex and I as suppose to have a energy refresh at the end of November. We still havent spoken -_-'

All in all I kinda like it because you can actually see the person and they can read out. (Idk if thats a good or bad thing) tillie has come the closest and she gave me a timeline to the end of the year to reconnect.

Thanks @alex! I'm considering trying it but idk yet.


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