Im sure its been mentioned somewhere or at least even thought about but I'm just really starting to wonder how much of what these psychics are picking up and interpreting as our POIs feelings are actually our feelings.
I'm really trying not to be skeptical or negative right now but just after reading such a bad news of what happened to poor Leo and just starting to feel doubtful about my own situation I can't help but wonder. ... does he really miss me? Or is it my missing him that they are picking up?
Don't get me wrong there are some details that some have picked up that are spot-on about him but then there also have been other predictions about what he's feeling or thinking that sound like they could have been me as well. At the time ot would make me think "oh wow he's feeling the same way" but now maybe I'm starting to think they are picking me up instead... and it makes me wonder too if they didn't pick up this other girl because they were just looking for affectionate feelings.
Im selfishly starting to worry about my own situation now with my guy.. :/