Author Topic: Return of the ex  (Read 11557 times)

Offline HopefulHeart

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Return of the ex
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:58:28 PM »
I apologize wholeheartedly in advance if this is already a topic posted on the board somewhere (and if it is, Im totally ok if it gets deleted; I tried looking to no avail).

I'm just honestly curious how many out there have had a psychic accurately predict the return of an ex (and I don't just mean a reconnection as in communication... I'm sure by now so many of us have had a psychic mention "reconnection" and really it's just been some quick communication or maybe seeing each other through mutual friends). I mean an actual romantic reconnection (or attempt at one). And on the flip side how many have had a psychic accurately predict an ex NOT coming back?

I've had countless psychics predict him coming back; It's a larger number than I am proud of speaking to but let's just say that nearly everyone I've spoken to has said he will return. There have been only a couple to give foggy "maybe" or "yes but it won't last" answers and maybe 2 or 3 who have given flat out no's (and maybe this is just wishful thinking talking, but of those 3 "no's" the readers were all quick, snippy, and didnt seem like they could even be bothered to speak with me. They were from a while ago and were all the cheaper ones on keen before I learned to look at ratings and was going for the cheapest price).

I've seen a few posts here and there of some of your exes returning (and Im so happy for you!), Im just hoping to maybe get a more concise post of results :)

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Return of the ex
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2016, 02:36:10 AM »
I was just going through my reading notes from 2013 today which is when I started calling psychics.  The first round of readings, when the man chose another woman over me (he met us at the same time)  most of them said he would eventually leave her, told me things about their relationship that I later found true, and in fact he did return.  Some were actually correct in timing for the most part. He did come back. We stayed together for a year and a half.  Then he left again for various stressful reasons and most of the readers said he would be back, that he loved me etc.  He was with another woman immediately after he left, and what they told me about their relationship was generally true.  He did come back and Sophia Elise pretty much nailed the date he would be back along with a few others that had the general time frame.  HOWEVER, he did NOT come back this time as my boyfriend, but just as a friend renting my guest room.  He stayed for 5 months.  I now actually despise the man for what he did to me, my son and my life. 

NOONE saw that this man was going to severely damage me emotionally and financially.  I'm not sure that they could see 2 years in advance, but when he came back the 2nd time and lived in my guest room, they all said he loved me and was struggling to decide which way to go with me.  There were one or two that said I would be better off letting him go. He did nothing but use me for 5 months, then called me a cunt in front of my son and stormed out of my house after I threatened to call the cops.  This man conned me out of tens of thousands of dollars, he never was in love with me, promised me marriage and my son a family and ruined my house by remodeling it leaving it half done.  I'm now having to sue him to get any money back.  I now know that he is a sociopath and severely mentally ill.   During the 2nd time he was gone, some of the readers did tell me he was very depressed and one, maybe two, told me he was not emotionally stable.  Of course, I chose to see it as him missing me terribly.  Wrong!  He's just insane! But to be perfectly honest, I don't know if I would have listened to them had they told me what kind of man he really was, but maybe I would have been more aware of what he was doing and wouldn't have been so damaged. 

Then there was another man I met last November.  They all said he was scared of our connection, he wasn't ready but would contact me.  They all kept pushing it out because he was having "family issues", "stress", "not ready" etc.  He was actually still on the dating website and I found out in May that he had met someone in February and was dating her pretty seriously.  Still, some said he would be back.  I NEVER heard from the man again.  I think maybe one person told me they didn't see him coming back.

Now I'm on a third man.  Everyone has nailed him as far as how he feels and where he is at in his life.  Everyone sees us moving forward to more serious relationship this month and October.  Some have pushed it to the holidays.  The only one that said she saw no forward movement because of where he is at financially, was Queen of Cups 18 but then she ended the reading saying I would earn the respect I deserve, he would put his guard down but he just didn't know what to do.  Very confusing to be honest.  She said he wasn't wanting anything serious right now so I'm not sure about her.

So, there's my experience in a nutshell.  I'm not even sure what to think about it LOL

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Return of the ex
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2016, 02:44:03 AM »
Adding to my last post.  I just realized, that with the first guy, the first time he was gone, I wasn't as "obsessed" with getting him back.  Yes, I was, but I wasn't calling psychics numerous times a day.  I was trying to go out, meet other men and actually saw a man for a while.  The 2nd time the guy left, I was so emotionally damaged that I did become obsessed.  I was also pretty obsessed with the 2nd guy and this third guy, I've gone way over board calling psychics, especially in the last 2 weeks.  So I'm seeing something here. Maybe because I wasn't so obsessed the first time around and detached a little, this was the reason he came back?  I've read that getting too many psychic readings screws up the energy and delays the outcome, which drives us even more crazy and leads to more readings!  I'm really starting to think that too much obsessing and readings screws us up or at least ME up. 

Just a thought


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Re: Return of the ex
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2016, 06:25:41 PM »
For me personally I honestly don't think getting a lot of readings changes energy it just happens to be if something is meant to be it will happen. So for some people they were able to move on quickly after a break and the ex came back and for others they were really damaged about the break up and the ex eventually came back as well. It really is about the personalities of the two people who were I. The relationship their perspectives and overall if it is meant to be it will work it's way out.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Return of the ex
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2019, 12:34:19 AM »
Just posting to say an ex tried his shit again, contacted me with a different, in the past I knew who it was and ignored him, the last time I ignored this man was back in 2017, he sent me a message yesterday and I sent him packing..... I still don't know why he bothers, this is super annoying.  Contacted me yesterday morning, same person who tried to ruin my relationship in the past

Offline Star_01

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Re: Return of the ex
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2019, 06:35:02 PM »
Just posting to say an ex tried his shit again, contacted me with a different, in the past I knew who it was and ignored him, the last time I ignored this man was back in 2017, he sent me a message yesterday and I sent him packing..... I still don't know why he bothers, this is super annoying.  Contacted me yesterday morning, same person who tried to ruin my relationship in the past

This seems to be a common occurrence with guys, they pop up months or years later as if time stood still. I don't know if girls do it but from my experience hardly as much as men do.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Return of the ex
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2019, 05:35:39 PM »
Yes so bizzare how men feel like they can pop back in like nothing ever happened. 🤔

Offline Star_01

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Re: Return of the ex
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2019, 05:44:14 PM »
I don't know about other ladies on here but as we all know - with men they seem to go for a long time and come back as though nothing happened. I've noticed in myself that I have lots of anger and find it harder to forgive the longer they leave things, so even if they came back with all the excuses I could never forgive them. I just think to myself, how could you leave it all that time as though it were yesterday you went? Maybe there's something wrong with me 🤷🏻‍♀️  It's just with an ongoing situation and past ones I feel very upset the longer time goes on and think how someone can walk away as though I were nothing.

Offline maggs30

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Re: Return of the ex
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2019, 05:13:34 AM »
This is of no help since I NEVER got readings on this dude but I just spent an hour messaging an ex from...  2005. He's upset I moved 3 hours away. I moved a year and a half ago. Now he's on my FB calling me babe telling me I'm too far away. This dude ran off and married his baby mama WHILE WE WERE DATING. Said he had to because she threatened to take his kids. Long story short this is the 4th time since his divorce 5 years ago he has tried to come back. We dated about 6 months when my husband and I were separated for over a year. Ex's do come back but I know entertaining this one will lead to nothing.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Return of the ex
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2020, 03:14:14 AM »
My experience is similar to bay parks. In 2013 when I first started on psychics, most readers said she was coming back and she did.  However, I think only a small handful actually knew that and saw the situation for what it was which was a poor idea and a a final break up a few months later.  A unique twist in that situation was an overwhelming suspicion of mine that my ex was trying to get pregnant.  Most of the readers who saw the reconciliation also saw the pregnancy thing without any suggestions from me. We were 23 at the time and both working really hard to get into rigorous grad school programs. A baby would have been the worst possible thing for us.  We got back together but things were just so toxic that I had to end to it for good a few months later.  My ex got into the physical therapy school she wanted and got pregnant within a few months with a guy she met in her class. She had to drop out and eat a ton of debt for the time she spent there. 
Gail on keen was very accurate about everything.  Spirit minded as well who could not stop talking about a child coming every time we read - don’t call this woman if you don’t want to hear brutal facts because she has told me some things I can’t wipe from my mind recently.  Findyourspirit on keen was good.  Really good.  The absolute best with everything at the time was advisor Ariel on keen who unfortunately has disappeared.  I could really use a reading with her right now.. People have very mixed reviews of her but she has repeatedly been insanely good for me. The first time we read together in 2013, she said my ex and i would get back together in June but it would quickly revert back to toxic and I would leave her in October when I couldn’t take it any longer.  That is exactly what happened, dates and all.  She also repeatedly warned about pregnancy and told me to make sure my ex wasn’t poking holes in condoms lol.  Lila Q on keen also nailed everything that happened at the time. 
The following two binges I had were huge disappointments because almost all were wrong.  The ones I really remember being correct in those times were queen of cups, advisor Ariel, and George Valentino who has yet to get a prediction wrong for me.
On my most recent binge, the jury is still out.    I wish my initial experience did not encourage me to believe psychics had the answers because the success I initially had with them really planted a need to call every time my love life goes south.  it has not paid(pun intended) off at all. 

