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Jacqueline is the best :)
Shes on California psychic
Shes really good!!! Crazzy good accurately good ! im shocked!
for $15/ min... heck NO! hahaha
I do understand that shes pricey but I have gotten way more quality info from her in lesser time and accurate time frame.
Okay, so I'm jumping on a really old thread because I've recently had a few readings with Jacqueline.
Let me start by saying, she definitely has a gift, even though most of her 'contact' predictions have never panned out. She's really good at picking up on the general situation (she did so with no info, just a name), knowing what's going on and knowing thoughts/feelings.
Some instances where she has 'wowed' me -
1) Saw my guy at an unfamiliar location on snap map... Asked her about it. She said there's two of them, they're friends and not to worry about it. Found out that yes, he was at the house of two sisters who are family friends of his.
2) A big group of 'sort-of'-friends and acquaintances went out to dinner. I decided to skip out on it because I wasn't really interested in hanging with a bunch of sort-of friends. She told me that my guy had been asking around to see if I was going, and that I should go to the casino after dinner, as he would be there and really wants to see me. Welp, I went to the casino expecting him to not be there... HE WAS hahaha he ended up coming back to my place that night. edit: for clarity, I called while everyone was at dinner
3) She said that my guy had really noticed that I looked different because I had changed something, and went on to say that it was something to do with new clothes that I didn't usually wear. Yes, I usually get around in summer dresses, but that day had been unseasonably cold. I was wearing stockings, leather jacket and all rugged up. So correct.
Of course there have been other instances where she has amazed me, but these are the ones that stick out/can think of now.
Having said that though, I do believe she is a 'bigger picture' reader and her timings are way way way off. And while I think she can genuinely see and perceive things, she seems to take up time by filling in the gaps herself.
For instance, I caught her out in a lie.
My guy had gone to a mutual friend's house to drop something off. I asked Jacqueline if he had mentioned me at all, and she went off about how he is asking about me more around our friend circle, and was asking our friend things like 'have you seen her, what is she up to...' etc. etc.
Well anyway, this guy is a REALLY good friend of mine and I asked him straight up whether my guy had mentioned me at all... He said no, if anything I mentioned you 8)
So ya know, she was filling in the blanks herself on this occasion.
Ordinarily, incidents like these cannot be verified easily... But yeah, I get it. If she's picking up on raw feelings/emotions and can perceive our situation in general, then of course what she told me is a logical/believable scenario - even if it didn't happen ::)
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