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Jacqueline is the best :)

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Sammiepoo, i really hope Jacqueline is right for me as well.  Today was a little depressing for me.....some days you are good but some days you have a 'moment' where you really miss them.  And of course some days you get so angry that this happened that you just want to throw in the towel and say this is not worth my time!  If only i had funds i would call Jacqueline again and see why it didn't pan out as she predicted.  I really really hope that it's just her timing........i still haven't heard from my sm...:(

I understand cocoapple believe me I have felt that way many times and wanted things to happen when i wanted them to but I trust things will work out for me and the will for you as well. :)

Im going to get my Jac

okay lol

anyone have any Jacqueline updates? 


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