Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions >
Jacqueline is the best :)
Oh interesting. I googled it and am now reading about your religion.
I have been reading with Jacqueline since February, I think. I'm getting close to throwing in the towel with all of this, but there's something that keeps me hanging on.
I understand what you mean. Elvin left the mennonites and I am not doing it anymore but alot of the things i believe in he believes in. I believe in peace, and I dont like fights
and what do you believe to be the most interesting?
--- Quote from: kiki155 on May 23, 2011, 09:41:52 PM ---Oh interesting. I googled it and am now reading about your religion.
I have been reading with Jacqueline since February, I think. I'm getting close to throwing in the towel with all of this, but there's something that keeps me hanging on.
--- End quote ---
I am very into peace and justice, so I find that part of their mission interesting/intriguing.
Do you only read with Jacqueline at this point?
Yeah I do :) I tell you something about mine and Elvins dating we broke all his moms rules she doesnt trust us alone she said once yall know no limitations in yalls dating. We had sex in their house which was a big nono trust me we got an earful for it
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