Author Topic: Jacqueline is the best :)  (Read 25654 times)


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Jacqueline is the best :)
« on: May 23, 2011, 04:53:49 AM »
Some of you have stated that I need to make my own Jacqueline fan club because I am always raving about her well i dont know how to do that, but I will post however, that she is one of my favorite psychics that I have ever read with, in my book she is a 10 star psychic.  I am not a customor care representative, but infact a happy customor that up until last November did not believe in Psychics, and was still skeptic of it until December. I dont believe that every person that says they are psychic is but they typically have to prove themselves. You know why Jacqueline is top on my list, well she doesnt waste a bit of my time, and she has given me details that I have not even shared with her, but has told me that it happens to be all in my enery I really like her alot she is truly gifted and amazing in my book and that is why she is at the top of the list at CP and you have to sit in her que for a little bit in order to have a reading because she is accurate. Her timing is a bit off, but being a psychic isnt a exact science. You can see something happening in the future and it appears to happen at this time, or something happened that may have changed the timing. However it happens when we least expect it :)

Offline kiki155

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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 07:54:53 PM »
Sammie, I'm glad you started this thread.

Can you give us any details on Jacqueline's predictions and the progression of things between you and Elvin?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jacqueline. She has such a kind soul. I feel like I'm talking to an angel when I'm talking to her. Do you ever get the sense that her predictions are too "happy?" PT and I joke that Jacqueline's readings involve having jelly beans thrown at us, and Jacqueline is riding around on a unicorn over a rainbow...because the readings are so positive all the time. So do you ever feel like what she's saying is too good to be true?

More details, please and thank you.  ;D

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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2011, 08:00:02 PM »
omg kiki...I agree..she is like an angel on a unicorn...she is so positive lol

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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2011, 08:00:39 PM »
She told me something would happen in 5-6 wks...Im like Jacqueline "cut it out" lol...

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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2011, 08:02:49 PM »
It's funny, because she told me July was going to be a tough month for me emotionally, and then like two seconds later I go, "Jacqueline, do you ever tell anyone bad news?" and she goes with a smile in her voice, "Well, I did just tell you July was going to be tough for you emotionally, didn't I?" LOL


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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2011, 08:58:05 PM »

Sammie, I'm glad you started this thread.

Can you give us any details on Jacqueline's predictions and the progression of things between you and Elvin?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jacqueline. She has such a kind soul. I feel like I'm talking to an angel when I'm talking to her. Do you ever get the sense that her predictions are too "happy?" PT and I joke that Jacqueline's readings involve having jelly beans thrown at us, and Jacqueline is riding around on a unicorn over a rainbow...because the readings are so positive all the time. So do you ever feel like what she's saying is too good to be true?

More details, please and thank you.  ;D

Lol you and PT are hilarious. I did feel that way for some time but I dont now until things began unfolding for me


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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2011, 08:58:59 PM »
Jacqueline being a little sarcastic huh thats the way i like it jk


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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2011, 09:08:41 PM »
I met Elvin in July of 2009, and I thought he was a bit awkward and he said one of these days you are going to fall in love with me and we are going to get married I said "Whatever" how could I ever love someone like you. Well he was right I fell in love with him. We broke up then in August after meeting but then got in contact again in the middle of September, thats when I found out he was Mennonite. When Elvin and I met I really liked him but I knew my birth family would never approve of him, but I am so in love with him now. Elvin and I was both immature and was on and off alot. Well things was going great and then Elvin found out I was failing two classes and then he pulled back and told me that he did not love me anymore. Then after we broke up I got on California Psychics blog thing and then after a year of Elvin and I being apart I decided in November to call California Psychics. Jacqueline brought up about the break up and said Elvin really loves you and he is worried about you he thinks you focused more on him instead of your education and he blames himself for it. Thats why he is being stuborn and telling you that he doesnt love you, I did not tell her anything about it and I thought that was amazing. She told me then you will here from him the week of December the 5th well I heard from him and it wasnt til December the 17th and then I began hearing from him everyday until february. Then i told him off, and he cried but i didnt know that he did. He appologized for being a guy. Well it took him 3 weeks to call me as Jacqueline said he would call me for a cheesy reason and he did he called me to say i just wanted to call and tell you that I am praying for you. I am waiting for him to call me soon. She also predicted that I would get a substitute teaching job and I got it when she said I would. We are supposed to be engaged in July and married in November.

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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2011, 09:24:34 PM »
Wow, Sammie. Thanks for sharing all of that. I don't know much about the Mennonite religion, but I think they are non-violent and into social justice, which is cool.

So when's the last time you talked to him?

I think Jacqueline is amazing. She says things that there is no way she could be guessing at -- things that are very individualized to each of our particular situations.

So you're saying she's been good but not her timing? Sometimes she'll tell me exact phrases my SM is thinking, and I'll say, "Did you say that, or does he say that?" And she always goes, "He says it. I don't say stuff like that."


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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2011, 09:31:01 PM »
lol I think I talked to him like 2 weeks ago. She actually told me once that he was going to have someone tell me how he felt about me and sure enough his sister has and then a friend of his said it so I know she is amazing :) I was raised by a mennonite family and my dads side of the family was mennonite!! :) And you got that right I would say me or elvin are both non violent.

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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2011, 09:41:52 PM »
Oh interesting. I googled it and am now reading about your religion.

I have been reading with Jacqueline since February, I think. I'm getting close to throwing in the towel with all of this, but there's something that keeps me hanging on.


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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2011, 09:44:42 PM »
I understand what you mean. Elvin left the mennonites and I am not doing it anymore but alot of the things i believe in he believes in. I believe in peace, and I dont like fights


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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2011, 09:45:34 PM »

and what do you believe to be the most interesting?
Oh interesting. I googled it and am now reading about your religion.

I have been reading with Jacqueline since February, I think. I'm getting close to throwing in the towel with all of this, but there's something that keeps me hanging on.

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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2011, 09:47:28 PM »
I am very into peace and justice, so I find that part of their mission interesting/intriguing.

Do you only read with Jacqueline at this point?


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Re: Jacqueline is the best :)
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2011, 09:49:56 PM »
Yeah I do :) I tell you something about mine and Elvins dating we broke all his moms rules she doesnt trust us alone she said once yall know no limitations in yalls dating. We had sex in their house which was a big nono trust me we got an earful for it